PASADENA, CA, JAN 30, 2019 -- Pasadena Water and Power (PWP) has been awarded a $50,000 grant to fund analyses of financial opportunities that encourage the adoption of greywater systems throughout the city.
The grant is funded by Metropolitan Water District of Southern California's (MWD) Innovative Conservation Program (ICP); a partnership among the MWD, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Western Resource Advocates, Southern Nevada Water Authority, the Central Arizona Project, and Southern California Gas Company.
The partnership promotes research that documents water savings and innovative water savings devices.
PWP General Manager Gurcharan Bawa, in a memorandum to the city manager, said his department joined 12 other grantees including private businesses, public agencies, and universities.
These were chosen from among 55 proposals that were evaluated through a review process weighing the applicants' research plans, market impact potential, project innovation, and preparedness, he said.
The ICP has awarded 67 grants totaling $2.4 million since 2001.
Bawa said PWP's research project under the program will explore a leasing application model for greywater systems as a tool to accelerate investments in residential and commercial installations.
Results would be available not only to PWP, but also to other utilities, water agencies, and water reuse companies throughout the country.
Since the PWP laundry-to-landscape (L2L) program started in 2015, 333 customers have applied to participate, and 235 customers have received onsite technical installation consultations.
So far, 95 customers have put the system in their homes, 60 of them low-income customers who received installation service at no cost.
PWP has scheduled a greywater workshop in Pasadena on February 27, where participants can learn about greywater systems and home installation.
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