WASHINGTON, DC, APRIL 9, 2019 -- U.S. EPA's Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB) has accepted the charge to form a stormwater finance workgroup, meeting the Agency's requirements for the task force under the America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA). As part of this stormwater finance workgroup, the Agency is now accepting nominations for expert consultants to advise the workgroup.
The following criteria will be used to evaluate nominees: representation from Federal agencies, state government, local government, private sector, and non-profit organizations; demonstrated expertise in stormwater funding and/or financing, stormwater technical experience, stormwater stakeholder engagement, or water infrastructure funding and management; geographic diversity; and varying community characteristics experience.
Nominations for expert consultants must include a resume describing the professional and/or educational qualifications of the nominee as well as expertise/experience. Contact details should include full name, affiliation title, business mailing address, telephone, and email address. A supporting letter of endorsement is encouraged but not required. Nominations should be electronically submitted to [email protected] with the subject line "EFAB Stormwater Finance Workgroup – Expert Consultant Nomination" no later than 11:59pm local time on Friday, April 19, 2019. Appointments will be made by EFAB's Designated Federal Officer and will be announced in early May 2019.