WaterBriefs: GF Piping magmeter solves flow measurement issues for Florida water park

March 20, 2006
Also in this report: Singapore chip plant expands Liqui-Cel deal; McCrometer gains Marsh-McBirney flow meters; Aquafine among Danaher buys; Wastewater security training unveiled; Aqua America buys Ill. water systems; LA sanitation districts launch medication disposal program; Detroit Diesel supports water treatment system for La. town; UltraStrip filtration truck benefits Waveland, Miss.; Cruiselines partner to protect marine areas; Project WET plays major Fourth World Water Forum role...

In other news below:
-- Liqui-Cel system expanded at Singapore semiconductor plant
-- McCrometer expands product line with Marsh-McBirney flow meters
-- Aquafine among recent Danaher acquisitions
-- WEF announces wastewater security training
-- Aqua America buys pair of water systems in Ill.
-- LA sanitation districts launch medication disposal outreach program
-- WorldWater & Power reaches construction milestone for Calif. project
-- Pacific Sands, FSI enter product development, marketing alliance
-- Baker Energy awarded maintenance technician contract from Cabinda Gulf Oil
-- Singapore's Asia Environment to build US$23M plant in China
-- Chinese pipe demand among recent Freedonia reports
-- Detroit Diesel, union, township support La. town with water treatment system
-- UltraStrip's Tactical Water Filtration Truck to benefit Waveland, Miss.
-- Cruiselines, Conservation International mapping project to protect marine areas
-- Jacobs receives contract for U.K. hydropower project
-- Project WET plays major role in the Fourth World Water Forum
-- Jones & Stokes wins two national environmental excellence awards
-- EnviroSafe executes field services agreement
-- Aqua Society Inc. receives order for a waste heat power generation unit

GF Piping magmeter solves flow measurement issues for Florida water park -- TUSTIN, CA, March 17, 2006 -- Wet-N-Wild Water Park in Orlando, FL, is a water amusement park with water slides, a wave pool, and a mechanical skiing facility. Water flow is monitored to all of the water slides in the facility. Return water is also monitored to filtration systems in 4 to 8" diameter PVC pipe lines. The technical operators at Wet-N-Wild consistently experienced flow measurement problems using George Fischer's Model 515 paddlewheel flow sensors because of the hair content in water, especially in return water lines. Hair wrapping around the shaft and rotor caused continual problems with the paddlewheel flow sensors originally installed at the facility. To solve this problem, the paddlewheels were replaced with the GF Piping's Signet 2550 insertion magmeter, an electro-magnetic style of flow sensor...

Liqui-Cel membrane contactor system expanded at Singapore semiconductor plant -- CHARLOTTE, NC, March 17, 2006 -- A Membrana membrane contactor system is being expanded to handle increased demands for ultrapure water at a major semiconductor fab in Singapore. Choosing the product to meet the low oxygen requirements was easy because the contactors have been operating very well and producing water within specification of less than 3 ppb of DO since the first phase was commissioned in 2003's first quarter. That phase contactor degassing system is designed for150 m3/hr (660 gpm) and operates in combo mode where a small nitrogen sweep and vacuum is used. Phase two will use the same operating conditions to remove dissolved oxygen to less than 1 ppb. The expanded contactor system will be installed in two new lines at this plant...

McCrometer expands product line with Marsh-McBirney flow meters -- Full-pipe Multi-Mag and Flo-System flow meters for water and wastewater added to its product lineup -- HEMET, CA, March 17, 2006 -- Through its sister company Hach's acquisition of Marsh-McBirney, McCrometer is acquiring the Frederick, MD, company's popular full pipe Multi-Mag and Flow-System flow meter product lines, bringing together two of the water industry's leading suppliers of electromagnetic flow measurement technology. For over 34 years, Marsh-McBirney has been highly regarded for its innovative, reliable and accurate flow measuring technologies. These two products are frequently selected for municipal and industrial water and wastewater applications based on their performance, ease-of-use and cost-effectiveness. Founded in 1955, McCrometer is based in Hemet, CA...
Also see:
-- "Danaher acquires Aquafine Corp."
-- "Danaher buys stake in DKK-TOA"
-- "Danaher announces sale of Leica Microsystems semiconductor business"
-- "Danaher announces sale of Leica Geosystems shares"
-- "Danaher completes Leica Microsystems acquistion"
-- "Danaher to buy Leica for $550 million"

WEF announces wastewater security training -- Water Environment Federation no-cost, EPA-funded sessions launch with introductory webcast April 18, 1-3 p.m. EST -- ALEXANDRIA, VA, March 17, 2006 -- In 2006, WEF, through a cooperative agreement with EPA, will provide seven 3-day workshops in various locations across the U.S. on security and emergency response planning. As a follow-up to the training, WEF will provide webcasts to all attendees as a "refresher" course and as an opportunity to ask follow-up questions. POTWs treating 2.5 mgd or greater are invited to attend and will be eligible for travel reimbursement...

Aqua America buys pair of water systems in Ill. -- BRYN MAWR, PA, March 17, 2006 -- Aqua America Inc., the nation's largest U.S.-based, publicly-traded water company providing water and wastewater services, recently acquired two new water systems in Illinois. The purchase price for the largest system, which serves about 10,000 residents in the Kankakee County community of Manteno, is $4.5 million. Aqua anticipates spending nearly $5 million over next several years to address the village's past water quality, reliability and growth issues. The company also acquired the water assets of the Concord at Ravenna residential development in the village of Long Grove, Lake County -- serving 400 residents -- for $205,000...

LA area sanitation districts, partners launch medication disposal outreach program -- WHITTIER, CA, March 17, 2006 -- The Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County have recently teamed up with the city of Los Angeles, Orange County Sanitation District, California Pharmacists Association, and California Poison Control System in a joint effort to launch a new public education campaign to address disposal of household medications. The campaign's tagline, "No Drugs Down the Drain" is meant to encourage Southern California residents to dispose of their unused or expired medications in ways more appropriate than flushing them down the toilet...

WorldWater & Power announces significant construction milestone for California project -- PENNINGTON, NJ, March 17, 2006 -- WorldWater & Power Corporation, a developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, announced that a major solar project had received inspection approval to begin generating full solar electric power -- one of two irrigation systems being installed at a tree farm in Borrego Springs, CA. This tree farm project uses its patented AquaMax™ variable frequency drive (VFD) to power a 250-hp well pump. A second irrigation system, scheduled to be completed by the end of March, will drive a similar pump. Once fully operational, the entire $1.8 million project is expected to save an estimated 70% of the farm's electrical bills...

Pacific Sands, Flexible Solutions Inc. enter joint product development, marketing alliance -- RACINE, WI, March 16, 2006 -- Pacific Sands Inc. announced that the company has established a joint product development and marketing alliance with Flexible Solutions Inc. aimed at development of a revolutionary new "hands off" method for delivery of bactericide/algaecide and other chemical treatments for use in home swimming pools...

Baker Energy awarded maintenance technician contract from Cabinda Gulf Oil -- HOUSTON, March 15, 2006 -- Baker Energy, a unit of Michael Baker Corp., has been awarded the Maintenance Technician Contract from Cabinda Gulf Oil Co. Ltd. (CABGOC) for its Angolan production regions. The five-year plus one option year contract has a value of about $10 million. CABGOC, a subsidiary of Chevron Corp., has maintained a presence in Angola since the 1930s, and it is one of the most active areas in the Chevron portfolio. Baker Energy works with oil and gas companies worldwide to provide total asset management solutions...

Singapore's Asia Environment to build US$23M plant in China -- SINGAPORE, March 15, 2006 -- China-based Asia Environment Holdings Ltd. said it has signed a deal to build and operate a 185 million yuan water supply and wastewater treatment plant in China's Harbin Binxi economic development zone. Asia Environment said it expects to sign a build-operate-transfer (BOT) agreement in June to operate the plant for 30 years. Construction is scheduled to commence in the third quarter of 2006 and is expected to be completed by the third quarter of next year. The wastewater treatment company said the project is not expected to have any material impact on the group's earnings for this year but that it provides visible revenue for 2007...

Demand for large diameter pipe in China to exceed 60 million meters -- CLEVELAND, OH, March 14, 2006 -- Demand for large diameter pipe in China is forecast to advance 8.8% per annum through 2009 to over 60 million meters, valued at 51.5 billion yuan or $6.4 billion. Gains will be supported by a continuation of the rapid economic growth achieved over the past decade and by initiatives to upgrade and expand the infrastructure in China. Among the various applications for large diameter pipe in China, particularly strong growth will be recorded in drainage, water distribution and storm sewer applications. Road building efforts, such as the "7918 Network" national highway system, will generate demand for large diameter pipe trunk lines to convey runoff from the roads and distribute it to existing bodies of water. These and other trends including Market Share, Market Leaders, Market Size and Company Profiles are presented in "Large Diameter Pipe in China," a new study from The Freedonia Group Inc., a Cleveland-based industrial market research firm. Measured by length, concrete was the leading material for large diameter pipe in China in 2004, with demand accounting for 43% of the total. Demand for plastic large diameter pipe is expected to advance 9.7% per annum through 2009 to nearly 12 million meters...
Also see:
-- "$2.9 billion U.S. chemical sensor market to grow 7.4% a year through 2009"
-- "$4 billion U.S. oilfield chemical market to grow 5.4% a year through 2009"
-- "U.S. chemical catalyst market will reach $1.2 billion in 2009"
-- "$4.6 billion U.S. Nonchemical Water Treatment market to grow 6.7% a year through 2009"
-- "$2 billion U.S. Disinfectant & Antimicrobial Chemicals market to grow 5% a year through 2009"
-- "$5.3 billion Global Biocides arket to grow 5.4% a year through 2009"

Detroit Diesel, union, township support La. community with water treatment system -- System will provide infrastructure to help rebuilding efforts after Hurricane -- DETROIT, March 14, 2006 -- Detroit Diesel Corp., the UAW Local 163 and Redford Township today announced the donation of funds needed to install a wastewater treatment system in Plaquemines Parish, LA, as part of the continuing efforts to help the hurricane-devastated community. The wastewater treatment system is needed to support housing accommodations for the more than 500 volunteers who will help rebuild both private residences and small businesses in Buras, a community within the Parish. The volunteers will come to Buras from virtually all over the United States to help with reconstructing the Parish and the local community. Volunteers will rotate in groups of 100 to 150 through the rebuilding process...

UltraStrip's Tactical Water Filtration Truck to benefit Waveland, Miss. -- STUART, FL, March 14, 2006 -- UltraStrip Systems Inc., the Stuart, FL, homeland security technology company, announced that it will donate 1% of the revenues it generates from the sale of its "Waveland" Model Tactical Water Filtration Truck to the city of Waveland, MS, to assist in the rebuilding of that community devastated from Hurricane Katrina. The "Waveland" Model will be built by Ecosphere Technologies Inc., a subsidiary of UltraStrip, and Pierce Manufacturing Inc. through a Joint Marketing and Supply Agreement. The design is based on Ecosphere's experience gained filtering water for Waveland after Katrina struck the Gulf Coast last August. Waveland Mayor Tommy Longo asked Ecosphere to provide his community with clean water for drinking, bathing, cooking, and cleaning purposes as the city suffered catastrophic damage to its water supply system from Katrina's 40-foot waves and 150 mph winds. UltraStrip's Mobile Emergency Filtration System operated successfully for six weeks in Waveland until the community was able to rebuild its water supply system...

Cruiseline council, Conservation International launch global mapping project to protect sensitive marine areas -- Agreement comes as result of series of recommendations by independent science panel -- MIAMI BEACH, FL, March 14, 2006 -- The International Council of Cruise Lines (ICCL) and Conservation International (CI) today announced a joint initiative to develop a global map that integrates additional sensitive marine areas into cruise line navigational charts where wastewater discharge should be avoided. This global mapping project comes as a result of a series of recommendations on wastewater management for the cruise industry developed by an independent science panel comprised of leading marine experts and chaired by internationally recognized marine biologist Dr. Sylvia Earle. CI and the ICCL will convene a task force of experts in charting and navigation, maritime law, ship operations, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to identify sensitive marine areas such as coral reefs, seamounts, shellfish growing areas, and marine protected areas that currently are not recognized on navigation charts. This mapping project will further enhance current operational practices by ICCL member lines to protect the environment. These practices include adhering to no-discharge zones and following a policy of no discharge within four miles of shore (unless the ship is using an advanced wastewater purification system). The task force will explore integrating these zones into the electronic navigation charts used by each cruise ship. Initially, the project will focus on the high traffic areas as identified by a GIS study commissioned by the science panel...

Jacobs receives contract for U.K. hydropower project -- PASADENA, CA, March 14, 2006 -- Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.announced today that a subsidiary company has received a contract to provide a range of services on a major new hydroelectric power project in the Scottish highlands. Officials did not disclose the contract value. The Glendoe scheme, to be built near Fort Augustus, Invernessshire, by Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE), will be the first major conventional hydropower scheme to be constructed in the U.K. since 1957 and will generate up to 100 megawatts of electricity. The project will be the most efficient in the U.K. in terms of water to power production, generating enough clean energy, when operating at maximum capacity, to meet the needs of 250,000 homes. It also follows the objectives of the Scottish Executive's Scottish Climate Change Program which is committed to raising the overall proportion of electricity generated from renewable sources in Scotland to 18% by 2010. Situated on the western edge of the Monadhliath Mountains, the scheme involves constructing a 35-meter high, 1000-meter long dam; constructing a network of tunnels totaling 18 kilometers in length; and building a power station in a cavern deep inside a hill on the shores of Loch Ness. The design has been specifically tailored to minimize impact on an environmentally sensitive area...

Project WET plays major role in the Fourth World Water Forum -- U.S. organization playing leadership role in global water event hosted by Mexico City -- BOZEMAN, MT, March 13, 2006 -- Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) International Foundation is teaming up with the Mexico Institute for Water Technology to sponsor the Global Water Education Village, Children's Water School, and convening a global water education round-table at the Fourth World Water Forum in Mexico City, Mexico from March 14-22. The forum aims to raise the awareness on water issues all over the world. As the main international event on water, it seeks to enable multi- stakeholder participation and dialogue to influence water policy making at a global level. With the goal of assuring better living standards for people all over the world and a more responsible social behavior towards water issues, many topics will be addressed, including: water scarcity and famine, water disasters and risk management, urban waters, water sanitation, water health, integrated water resource management, sustainability, and water for food and agriculture...

Jones & Stokes wins two national environmental excellence awards -- Firm wins in 'NEPA Excellence' and 'Planning Integration' categories -- SACRAMENTO, CA, March 13, 2006 -- Jones & Stokes has been selected by the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP) to receive two National Environmental Excellence Awards. The "NEPA Excellence Award" honors a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement that improved the design of a controversial freeway through an environmentally sensitive area in Utah. Jones & Stokes also won in the "Planning Integration" category for the Napa County Baseline Data Report, which pioneered a new standard for comprehensive environmental protection and land-use planning at the county level...

EnviroSafe executes field services agreement -- SANDWICH, MA, March 13, 2006 -- EnviroSafe Corp. announced its execution of an agreement to provide environmental remediation and consulting services to a national printing company at their property in Ohio. Lead, chlorinated and non-chlorinated solvents, and oil-based chemicals have been historically used at the site and a subsurface release of chlorinated solvents and breakdown compounds has been documented by EnviroSafe in both the soil and the groundwater. Under the terms of the agreement, EnviroSafe -- a subsidiary of Veridium Corp. -- will manage the relevant Comprehensive Environmental Assessment activities through the Ohio Voluntary Action Program (VAP) in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code (OAC), after which EnviroSafe will design and implement remedial options to clean the soil and groundwater at the site. The new agreement is expected to result in about $750,000 in revenue and help to establish an increased presence for EnviroSafe in the mid-western market...

Aqua Society Inc. receives order for a waste heat power generation unit -- HERTEN, Germany, March 10, 2006 -- Aqua Society Inc. announced today that Loick AG has commissioned Aqua Society GmbH, the company's wholly owned subsidiary, to supply and install a waste heat power generation system that will be used to produce electricity from the waste heat generated by one of Loick's existing biogas power generators. Loick AG is based in Dorsten, Germany, and specializes in the development and production of renewable resource products such as bioplastics and biogas energy systems. The biogas energy systems produced by Loick are used to supply electricity to the public grid in Germany. The price of the unit to be installed by Aqua GmbH is EUR 295,000...


In earlier newsbriefs, see: "WaterBriefs: Veolia Water N.A. names new president, CEO" -- Also in this report (March 14, 2006): Racine Federated gains news product line from J-TEC; Phoenix water installs PureTech wide-area video security system; ASQ seeks utility experts to create global social responsibility standard; U.S. Secretary of Commerce meets with Bentley CEO, Philadelphia business leaders; Emerson to digitally automate Peru's largest copper mining company; Mass. proposes clean-up standards for perchlorate...


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