TUCSON, AZ, Sept. 22, 2006 -- The University of Arizona (UA) has developed a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) to comply with current stormwater regulations and to ensure that campus activities are not a source of pollution for surface water that flows through campus. The University campus has areas of grass, trees and other vegetation, but more than 56% of campus is covered by buildings, parking lots, sidewalks and streets that are impervious to rainfall. This situation creates significant runoff especially during Tucson's summer monsoon season. Waters from storm events and other runoff can become contaminated if they come in contact with pollution sources. Polluted surface waters may eventually find their way into washes, rivers or even groundwater.
In early September, the university submitted to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) a revised Storm Water Management Plan. The revised plan can be viewed at: http://fpnew.ccit.arizona.edu/riskmgmt/stormwater_mgmt.html.
The University of Arizona's SWMP is written to comply with state of Arizona regulations in regard to stormwater. This plan describes university operations, identifies potential sources of stormwater pollution and adopts Best Management Practices or pollution control measures to reduce the discharge of pollutants in stormwater run-off. Implementation of these practices identified in the SWMP greatly reduces the potential for pollutants to enter stormwater from campus operations.
This notice is a portion of the "Public Education and Outreach" Best Management Practice. The University Storm Water Management Program webpage, l inked to the UA Risk Management and Safety website is the focal point for all stormwater information and communications. This notice is, in effect, advertising the webpage.
Facilities Management, Campus Facilities Planning, Facilities Design and Construction, Parking and Transportation Services and Risk Management & Safety all contributed to this updated document.
In other water-related university news see:
-- "UA Makes a Splash with Project WET Water Festivals"
-- "Students to Unveil Water Harvesting Project at UA"
-- "Water Expert: Rivers, Environment Have Rights, Too"
-- "Global Climate Change Lecture Series Kicks Off UofA College of Science's Theme Semester"
-- "International Water Expert to Lecture in Tucson"
-- "Report Analyzes Role of Businesses in Growth, Water Supplies"