WaterWorld Weekly Newscast, Sept 4, 2018

Sept. 4, 2018
A transcript for the WaterWorld Weekly Newscast for September 4, 2018.

The following is a transcript for the WaterWorld Weekly Newscast for September 4, 2018.

Hi, I'm Angela Godwin for WaterWorld magazine, bringing you water and wastewater news headlines for the week of September 4. Coming up...

Bipartisan bills take aim at PFAS crisis
Tracking underground water levels with seismic noise
WEF launches new training resources for wastewater operators
Water district celebrates 50 years of water recycling

Two new bills have been introduced in Congress, aimed at addressing the growing concern around perfluorinated compounds in drinking water.

The first bill, the PFAS Detection Act of 2018, would authorize $45 million over five years for the U.S. Geological Survey to develop advanced testing methods for detecting lower levels of PFAS chemicals in the environment.

The second bill, the PFAS Accountability Act of 2018, would expedite cooperative agreements between federal facilities, including military installations, and states to address PFAS contamination.

Both bills were introduced by Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, and have been co-sponsored by several senators from both parties.

A recent study out of Harvard University was able to measure the size and water levels of underground aquifers in California using seismic noise.

The researchers were able to measure the water depth of the San Gabriel Valley aquifer, located just outside Los Angeles, to within a centimeter by directly measuring the waves traveling through it.

While the study wasn't the first to hit upon the idea of using seismic noise to study groundwater, earlier efforts were hampered because they relied on a signal that was relatively weak in comparison to environmental factors like temperature and pressure.

Harvard's technique could be used to track whether and how aquifers rebound following precipitation, to understand geological changes that might occur as water is pumped out, and to monitor the health of an aquifer over time.

Lead author Tim Clements believes it could be a useful tool for anyone involved in water resource management because it provides a moment-to-moment view of precisely what is happening in an underground aquifer.

The Water Environment Federation has released the first publication in a new series of training tools to equip operators with 21st century wastewater treatment methods and practices.

Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals I: Liquid Treatment covers all aspects of liquid treatment processes, from the basics to critical aspects of biological treatment, nutrient removal, and disinfection.

According to WEF, the series will prepare operators for the first three levels of certification examinations and qualify for continuing education credits.

The next installment, Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals II: Solids Handling and Support Systems, is expected to be published in 2019.

For more information, or to order a copy, visit wef.org/WWTF.

California's Moulton Niguel Water District is celebrating its 50th year of operating one of the state's most successful water recycling programs, which reuses more than 2 billion gallons of water every year.

As one of the first agencies to use recycled water in Orange County in the early 1960s, Moulton Niguel Water District now provides recycled water to more than 1,300 customers through 150 miles of recycled water distribution pipelines.

In fact, about 25 percent of the District's overall water demands are met with recycled water.

The District also maintains 13 recycled water pump stations, six steel storage tanks, five pre-stressed concrete reservoirs and two advanced wastewater treatment facilities.

For WaterWorld magazine, I'm Angela Godwin. Thanks for watching.

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