EPA Action: Agency releases FY2006 DWSRF allocation split

June 28, 2005
Also in this report: Enforcement update involves Minnesota metal finisher, Idaho wastewater treatment plant and Iowa dairy farmer; Six brownfields training, research and technical assistance grants announced; International effort under way to reduce radon risk; Energy park picked for Hudson River PCBs dewatering site; Keene, N.H., to pay penalty for WWTP violations; Animal feeding operations air compliance agreement signup period extended; Leading innovators in pollution prevention recognized...

In other agency news below, see:
-- Minnesota Metal Finisher Sentenced in Sewer Line Case
-- Man indicted in Idaho wastewater treatment plant case
-- Iowa dairy farmer convicted of violating Clean Water Act
-- Six brownfields training, research and technical assistance grants announced
-- International effort under way to reduce radon risk
-- U.S., Mexican, Canadian environmental leaders reaffirm commitment to cooperation
-- Energy park picked for Hudson River PCBs dewatering site, dredging schedule altered
-- Keene ordered to pay penalty for Clean Water Violations at WWTP
-- Animal feeding operations air compliance agreement signup period extended
-- Leading innovators in pollution prevention recognized
-- EPA awards over $600,000 to upgrade rural Penn. sewer systems
-- EPA awards $1.3M for water quality projects in Region 8 states

FY2006 DWSRF allocations released by Office of Water
WASHINGTON, DC, June 28, 2005 -- The U.S. EPA's Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water on June 24 released the tentative state allotment percentages for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program for the fiscal year 2006 (see Tables 1&2 at top and bottom of this webpage).

The 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments established a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program and authorized $9.6 billion to be appropriated for the program through fiscal year 2003. Congress directed that allotments for fiscal year 1998 and subsequent years would be distributed among States based on the results of the most recent Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment. In this notice, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing revised DWSRF program State allotment percentages in accordance with the results from the most recent 2003 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment (Needs Assessment), which was released on June 14, 2005. The revised State allotment percentages affect DWSRF program appropriations for fiscal years 2006 through 2009.

Beginning in fiscal year 1998, EPA established a formula that allocates funds to the States based directly on each State's proportional share of the total need for States, provided that each State receives a minimum share of one percent of the funds available to the States, as required by the SDWA. EPA has made the determination that it will continue to use this method for allocating DWSRF program funds. The findings from the 2003 Needs Assessment will change the percentage of the DWSRF program funding received by some States in prior years. This change reflects an increase or decrease in these States' share of the total needs for States and will allow appropriations disbursements to more accurately reflect the needs of the States to reach the public health objectives of the SDWA. The Agency believes that the 2003 Needs Survey and Assessment more accurately captures needs for necessary long-term rehabilitation and replacement of deteriorating infrastructure that were under-reported in the earlier surveys.

-- State Allotment percentages for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program: www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-WATER/2005/June/Day-24/w12660.htm

-- 2006 Tentative Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Allotments: www.epa.gov/safewater/dwsrf/allotments/index.html

-- 2003 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment: www.epa.gov/safewater/needssurvey/index.html

Minnesota metal finisher sentenced in sewer line case
MINNEAPOLIS, MN, June 27, 2005 -- Kenneth Heroux, owner of Hardcoat Inc., in St. Louis Park, Minn., was sentenced to pay a $20,000 fine, serve three years' probation and perform 225 hours of community service on April 14 by the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota in Minneapolis. He was convicted in November 2004 on two counts of making false statements to officials from the U.S. EPA and Hennepin County. The defendant falsely told state and federal investigators that a sewer pipe used to discharge pre-treated industrial wastes from the Hardcoat facility did not show any problems with leakage. In reality, the pipe had several breaks through which pre-treated industrial wastes could have leaked. The defendant replaced the pipe, but he knowingly made a false statement to officials about the fact that the pipe had been compromised. Sewage pipes that have breaks create a potential source for groundwater pollution. The case was investigated by the Minneapolis Office of EPA's Criminal Investigation Division and the Hennepin County Department of Environmental Services. It was prosecuted by the U.S. attorney's office in Minneapolis.

Man indicted in Idaho wastewater treatment plant case
BOISE, ID, June 27, 2005 -- Raymond K. Shakleford of Bozeman, Mont., the Idaho representative for Quality Water Systems Inc., also of Bozeman, was indicted on April 13 in U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho on multiple counts of mail fraud in connection with false representations that he allegedly made to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality in support of applying for permits to construct wastewater treatment systems. Quality Water Systems designs, sells and operates Sequencing Batch Reactor, (SBR), wastewater treatment systems. These systems are specifically designed for communities that cannot be hooked up to public sewers. One of these SBR systems was built on Eagle Island which is located in the middle of the Boise River. Shakleford allegedly used falsified data from this system to request applications for 12 additional systems to be built in Idaho. Some areas of Idaho have a concern regarding nitrate concentration in their groundwater and building wastewater treatment systems based on false data could lead to increased nitrate concentrations in groundwater. The case was investigated by the Boise Office of EPA's Criminal Investigation Division and the FBI. The case is being prosecuted by the U.S. attorney's office in Boise.

Iowa dairy farmer convicted of violating Clean Water Act
CEDAR RAPIDS, IA, June 27, 2005 -- Carl Simon, owner and operator of Simon Dairy in Farley, Iowa, was sentenced to serve 30 months in prison, pay a $5,000 administrative penalty that had been assessed earlier by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and serve one year of supervised release on April 6 by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Iowa in Cedar Rapids as a result of his conviction on four counts of violating the Clean Water Act. The charges arose from the defendant's illegal dumping of cow manure and waste milk into Hogan's Branch, a tributary of the Mississippi River. The illegal discharges occurred between May of 2003 and January of 2004. Simon illegally disposed of the cow manure by using two foot trenches dug from his dairy manure lagoon to a steep embankment overlooking Hogan's Branch. He illegally discharged the waste milk into Hogan's Branch by using a four-inch PVC pipe. Simon has an extensive enforcement history with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and was previously placed under an administrative order and fined $5,000 for illegal discharges into the Branch. He refused to pay the fine or make any of the changes in his disposal practices required by the administrative order. Dumping cow manure and waste milk into surface waters can make the waters unfit for human use and can harm fish and wildlife. The case was investigated by the Iowa attorney general's office, the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, the IDNR and the St. Louis Office of EPA's Criminal Investigation Division. The case was prosecuted by the U.S. attorney's office in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Six brownfields training, research and technical assistance grants announced
WASHINGTON, DC, June 24, 2005 -- The EPA has named six organizations to receive a combined $1.4 million in brownfields training, research and technical assistance grants. The purpose of these grants is to focus attention on environmental and human health conditions in socio-economically disadvantaged communities to stimulate economic and beneficial uses of brownfields projects. The agency will fund successful applicants for periods ranging from 1-5 years up to a total of $300,000 each. Brownfields training, research and technical assistance grants are available to eligible government applicants and non-profit organizations including public and non-profit private universities. Of the 26 applications EPA received by the May 1, 2005, application deadline, the following six organizations have been chosen to receive grants:

1. The University of North Carolina Charlotte -- working with the city of Charlotte to establish a new method to assess the multi-dimensional impacts of brownfields projects on communities.
2. National Center for Neighborhood and Brownfields Redevelopment, Rutgers University -- Focusing on training and technical assistance to community-based organization (CBOs) in low-income communities across the country to encourage greater involvement in brownfields.
3. American Planning Association -- Partnering with Bethel New Life in Chicago to create a 'workbook' and training program for Community Development Corporations.
4. University of Louisville --Targeting historically challenging areas to redevelopment and conducting workshops on building constructive community participation in brownfields redevelopment.
5. Northeast Midwest Institute -- Identifying strategies, methods and tools for disadvantaged communities.
6. Duke University -- Examining state public participation approaches to develop additional tools to assist decision-makers and enhance community involvement in brownfields.

For more information about brownfields, go to: www.epa.gov/brownfields

International effort under way to reduce radon risk
WASHINGTON, DC, June 24, 2005 -- Recognizing indoor radon as a significant cause of lung cancer around the world, the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with EPA and participating countries, is launching and organizing an International Radon Project aimed at helping countries reduce the health risks associated with indoor radon. The approach will focus on increasing public awareness about this invisible health threat and what can be done to reduce the risk. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking and the World Health Organization estimates that radon could cause up to 15% of lung cancers globally. EPA will participate in workgroups and contribute $120,000. This international effort will complement the nationwide radon program run by EPA in the United States. For additional information on the initiative, visit: www.who.int/mediacentre/news/notes/2005/np15/en/index.html, or for general information about radon, visit: www.epa.gov/radon

U.S., Mexican, Canadian environmental leaders reaffirm commitment to cooperation
QUEBEC CITY, Canada, June 23, 2005 -- Greater collaboration among nations and between the public and private sectors is crucial to protect the environment in North America, said U.S. EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson, meeting today with the Mexican and Canadian Environmental Ministers.

Johnson joined his colleagues for strategic planning discussions at the Commission for Environmental Cooperations (CEC) 12th Council Session meeting. As part of their work, the three officials held talks with representatives of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Mexican Confederacion de Camaras Industriales, and the US Council for International Business. The countries formally resolved to strengthen partnership with the business community and to expand private sector engagement in the CECs innovative environmental protection initiatives.

The officials adopted a new five year strategic plan for the CEC focused on results, quality information, and analysis based in sound science. The countries embraced certain priorities, including:

Information for Decisionmaking - Increase comparability, reliability and compatibility of national and regional environmental information for use by all stakeholders.

Capacity Building - Strengthen institutional capacity to manage environmental issues of common concern, with an initial focus on opportunities in Mexico to work with the private sector to improve competitiveness and environmental performance.

Trade and the Environment - Enhance integration of CEC trade and environment work on renewable energy, enforcement of environmental law, ongoing environmental assessment of NAFTA, green purchasing, and invasive alien species.

The CEC is an international organization created by Canada, Mexico and the United States under the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC). The CEC was established to address regional environmental concerns, help prevent potential trade and environmental conflicts, and promote the effective enforcement of environmental law. The Agreement complements the environmental provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

More information about the CEC is available at: www.cec.org


Energy park picked for Hudson River PCBs dewatering site, dredging schedule altered
NEW YORK, June 23, 2005 -- At a meeting today with the Hudson River PCBs Site Community Advisory Group, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 2 Office, discussed a change in the start date for dredging operations and announced that Energy Park is the only property needed for the project dewatering facility at this time. While substantial progress has been made on the design of the Hudson River cleanup, EPA has determined that dredging will start during the 2007 construction season.

The Agency expects that the construction of the Ft. Edward dewatering facility will start in 2006, and will be completed in time for dredging operations to begin during the 2007 dredging season.

The change in the schedule is due to complexities in completing the Dredge Area Delineation (DAD) report for Phase 1 of the project, which was originally projected to be completed by Spring 2004. EPA and GE had to first resolve issues related to the criteria that would be used to determine the river areas to be dredged. The Phase 1 report was completed in February 2005, once that process was completed. The delay in finalizing the DAD report pushed back several key design documents that were contingent on its completion.

Continuing its progress toward the dredging of the Hudson, EPA has also decided that the Energy Park property in Ft. Edward is the only dewatering and transfer facility needed for the cleanup at this time. EPA is not moving ahead with plans to use the OG Realty property in Bethlehem for this project; it was once considered a possible dewatering site.

EPA has reached many milestones on this project including the collection and analysis of more than 40,000 samples from the river bottom, the completion of strict Engineering and Quality of Life Performance Standards to protect public health and minimize impacts from the project, and the selection of a site for the sediment processing facility. The Agency has also conducted a preliminary investigation of PCB contamination in the flood plains that could result in future cleanups.

Further accomplishments include two agreements with GE under which the company agreed to conduct the extensive sediment sampling needed to identify the areas to be dredged, and to design the project. Under those agreements, GE paid a total of $20 million in partial reimbursement of EPA's outstanding past costs, and over $15.5 million toward the costs incurred by EPA in performing activities for which it has lead responsibility, and in overseeing GE's performance of the work under those agreements.

This August, GE is scheduled to submit a draft intermediate design report for Phase 1 of the project that will include the types of dredges to be employed during Phase 1 and a layout for the dewatering and transfer facility. Discussions with GE relating to an agreement on the cleanup of the Hudson River are ongoing.

For more information on the Hudson River PCBs Site, visit our Web site at www.epa.gov/hudson.

Keene ordered to pay penalty for wastewater treatment plant violations
BOSTON, June 23, 2005 -- The EPA Region I Office announced it has proposed a fine of up to $157,500 against the city of Keene, N.H., for violations of federal Clean Water laws at its wastewater treatment plant and sewer collection system. These violations resulted in sewage overflowing from the system on dozens of occasions.

The penalty follows an administrative order issued in September by EPA's New England office that ordered the city to set a schedule for coming into compliance with the Clean Water Act. Since the issuance of the order, the city has been working toward achieving compliance.
In the complaint filed last week, the agency said Keene exceeded effluent limits for zinc in the city's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit; failed to develop appropriate local limits for industries that discharge wastewater to the system; and failed to properly operate and maintain its collection system. EPA claims that Keene's violations led to more than 30 overflows of untreated sanitary sewage, some of which reached local waterways.

Keene's public sewer system includes a secondary wastewater treatment facility that discharges 3.5 million gallons per day of treated wastewater into the Ashuelot River. The collection system is made up of about 86 miles of sewer, 2000 manholes, five city-owned pump stations and 10 privately-owned pump stations.

On Sept. 27, 2004, EPA issued an enforcement order against the City of Keene, in part, to correct the violations that are the basis for this penalty complaint. The order required the city to establish a schedule for actions to better operate and maintain the system; eliminate sewer system overflows; and establish technically-based limits for certain industries discharging wastewater to the system.

Specifically, the city was required to develop and implement a plan to remove structural deficiencies; evaluate manholes and collection system accessibility; to put in place a plan to restore the capacity of its sewer system, including a preventative maintenance program; to prepare a report analyzing the appropriate effluent limits for local industries that discharge to the system, and to put appropriate local limits for industries into its sewer use ordinance.

To learn more about EPA's NPDES permit program, click here.

Animal feeding operations air compliance agreement signup period extended
WASHINGTON, DC, June 23, 2005 -- The EPA is extending the deadline for the Animal Feeding Operations (AFO) Air Compliance Agreement signup period to July 29 to provide more time for the AFOs operators to make informed decisions about participation. The deadline for operators to sign the agreement was previously extended to July 1, but will now close on July 29. The agency has not changed the agreement since it was published in the Federal Register on Jan. 31.

The extension notice will be published in the Federal Register this month. For information about how to sign up, go to: www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/agreements/caa/cafo-agr-howtosignup.html.

The agreement is part of the agency's ongoing effort to minimize air emissions from AFOs and to ensure that they comply with the Clean Air Act and other laws. The period for public comment on the agreement ended May 2. To view public comments and EPA responses, go to: www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/agreements/caa/cafo-agr-response-com.html.

The primary goals of the Air Quality Compliance Agreement with AFOs are to reduce air pollution, ensure compliance with applicable Clean Air Act, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Environmental Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) provisions, monitor and evaluate AFOs emissions, and promote a national consensus on methods for estimating emissions from AFOs. For more information on the agreement, go to: www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/agreements/caa/cafo-agr-0501.html.

Leading innovators in pollution prevention recognized
WASHINGTON, DC< June 21, 2005 -- Leading researchers and industrial innovators were recognized for significant contributions in advancing pollution prevention at the 2005 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards ceremony June 20 in Washington, D.C. The presidential rank awards are given to individuals and organizations that have made dramatic science contributions with identifiable applications that result in less pollution, waste or both in a manufacturing process. The 2005 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge awards were presented to Robin Rogers, a professor at the University of Alabama; Metabolix Inc., Cambridge, Mass.; Archer Daniels Midland Co., Decatur, Ill.; Novozymes North America Inc., Franklinton, N.C.; Merck & Co., Rahway, N.J.; and BASF Corp., Whitehouse, Ohio. EPA's Green Chemistry Challenge promotes research to develop less toxic alternatives to existing technologies, and to reduce or eliminate waste generation in industrial production. An independent panel of technical experts selected the six winners after reviewing more than 80 nominations. The awards were given in five categories: Academic, Small Business, Alternative Synthetic Pathways, Alternative Reaction Conditions and Designing Safer Chemicals. These presidential rank awards are special this year because the Green Chemistry Program is celebrating 10 years of scientific innovation that results in less pollution, waste or both in manufacturing products and processes. During the past 10 years, the winners' work has led to the annual elimination of: 140 million pounds of hazardous chemicals and solvents; 55 million gallons of water; and 57 million pounds of carbon dioxide. More information on the Presidential Green Chemistry Awards is available at: www.epa.gov/greenchemistry.

EPA awards over $600,000 to upgrade rural Penn. sewer systems
PHILADELPHIA, June 20, 2005 - The EPA Region 3 Office has awarded a $433,700 grant to the City of Franklin, Venango County, Pa. to help upgrade its sewer system and reduce sewage overflows into Chubb Run.

"Old, inadequate sewer systems can be a major cause of water pollution in many communities. By supporting improvements to the Franklin sewer system, we can help protect local waterways and public health," said Donald S. Welsh, regional administrator for EPA's mid-Atlantic region.

The City's sewer system, which is over 50 years old, has pipe leaks and blockages that cause the sewer lines to overflow and discharge raw sewage directly into nearby Chubb Run. Funding will support repairs and improvements to alleviate the overloading in the line and at the treatment plant, and eliminate discharge of untreated wastewater.

The EPA grant will pay for 55% of the $788,545 project costs. The balance will come from the city. Construction is set to begin in June 2005.

In addition, the agency has awarded a $192,900 grant to Cheltenham Township, Montgomery County, Pa, to help upgrade its sewer system and reduce sewage overflows into Tookany Creek.

"Old, inadequate sewer systems can be a major cause of water pollution in many communities. By supporting improvements to the Cheltenham Township sewer system, we can help protect local waterways and public health," said Donald S. Welsh, regional administrator for EPA's mid-Atlantic region.

The township's sewage system, which is more than 70 years old, has pipe leaks and lacks the capacity to handle large volumes of runoff during heavy rainfall or when snow and ice are melting. During wet weather, the sewer lines will overflow and discharge raw sewage into Tookany Creek, a main tributary of the Delaware River.

The grant will be used to help pay for cleaning and grouting of sewer lines and installing manhole inserts in the Wyncote, Cedarbrook and Chelten Hills sections of the township.

The EPA grant will pay for 55% of the project costs, and the balance will come from the township. Construction is set to begin in October 2005.

EPA awards $1.3M for water quality projects in Region 8 states
DENVER, June 18, 2005 -- EPA's Denver office announced today that it will provide nearly $1.3 million to 20 water quality projects in the states of Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming and three tribal nations. The grants, awarded under various Clean Water Act programs, will support research, monitoring, data collection, standard-setting, training and resource assessment, restoration and protection activities focused on rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, ground water and other water resources.

"These projects illustrate the range and significance of the water quality issues being addressed by our partners," said EPA's regional administrator Robbie Roberts. "Collectively, these efforts will enhance our understanding of key issues and lead to practical solutions to water quality problems in communities across our Region."

The competitive awards announced today include resources under five EPA programs. The Regional Geographic Initiative (RGI) is a grassroots approach for long-term environmental protection tailored to communities. It is a model of government partnering with communities and industries to develop long-term solutions to environmental protection. Wetlands Program Development Grants aid in the development of wetland protection programs. The goals of EPA's wetland program include increasing the quantity and quality of wetlands in the U.S. by conserving and restoring wetland acreage and improving wetland health. The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program funds are intended for states and nonprofit agencies toward making progress in fulfilling EPA's commitment to resolving pollution problems in water bodies that have been identified as impaired. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) -- Water Quality Cooperative Agreements make grant dollars available for research and innovative projects that will reduce or eliminate pollution discharges in surface waters. Source Water Protection funds help communities find ways to manage possible sources of contaminants in their watershed or above their aquifer to prevent pollution of the source of their drinking water supply.

Colorado award recipients include:
Regents of the University of Colorado
Reproductive Disruption in Colorado Fish
Amount: $180,668 (NPDES)
This project is an integrated field and laboratory investigation of the emerging eco-human health issue of the impacts of endocrine-active waste water effluents on fish. Actual impacts will be assessed through field surveys. Potential impacts and causative association will be determined through controlled exposure experiments.

Metropolitan (Denver) Wastewater Reclamation District
Urad Molybdenum Mine Tailings Revitalization
Amount: $110,000 (NPDES)
This project will assess plant species and diversity on the reclaimed Urad tailing ponds near Berthoud Pass, Colorado. Plant canopy and production estimates will be determined and measured against reference sites. Molybdenum (Mo) uptake and availability in dominant grasses and forbs will be measured, and the absorption of Mo by animals fed a control forage and forage harvested from the tailing ponds will be measured utilizing liver biopsy, and total urine and feces analysis. A soil microbial assay and water quality analysis will also be performed.

Southern Ute Indian Tribe
Wetlands Assessments
Amount: $53,226 (Wetlands)
The project includes water quality sampling and the development of numeric water quality standards for wetlands on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation. Water quality will be sampled at eight wetlands and compared with results collected in 2004. The data will be used to classify wetlands and develop water quality criteria for wetlands.

Douglas County
Wildfire Effects on Stream Water Quality
Amount: $50,000 (RGI)
This grant will support water quality sampling from a burned (2002 Hayman wildfire area) and an unburned drainage in the Upper South Platte River watershed for a range of constituents at several seasonal sampling intensities. Funds from this grant will be used for continued sampling and a summary report which will provide valuable information on the effects of wildfires on water quality.

Willow Creek Reclamation Committee (Mineral County)
Willow Creek Watershed Management
Amount: $29,243 (RGI)
The project provides for management of the mine-impacted Willow Creek watershed through a watershed management plan, with tasks including best-management practice development and implementation, outreach/education, planning, partnership development and fund-raising.

The Colorado Watershed Network
Targeted Colorado River Watch Water Quality Monitoring
Amount: $25,921 (TMDL)
The Colorado Division of Wildlife and Colorado Watershed Network through River Watch will gather existing data and develop and implement study designs for rivers needing further assessment to determine impairment status throughout the state. The effort will provide results to the State of Colorado Water Quality Control Division and upload data to EPA's national water quality database.

North Dakota award recipients include:
North Dakota Department of Health, Division of Water Quality
A Critical Low-flow Model for the Red River of the North
Amount: $42,993 (TMDL); $21,557 (RGI)
The purpose of this project is to analyze and publish data collected from a 30.5-mile reach of the Red River during 2003. The report will present and describe velocity and reaeration determinations and characterize the water-quality constituents. The project will also recalibrate a U.S. Geological Survey water-quality model (QUAL2E) using the low-flow data collected in September 2003. The data will be used to update: 1) hydraulic parameters; 2) reaeration coefficients; 3) reaction rate coefficients for oxidation of ammonia; and 4) reaction rate coefficients for oxidation of organic material. This updated model will better inform water quality protection efforts along the river.

River Keepers
Uniting Urban and Rural Riparian Protection
Amount: $30,000 (RGI)
River Keepers, a nonprofit group dedicated to the protection and restoration of the Red River of the North, will develop river restoration educational materials for agricultural producers. Displays and written material unique to the basin will be developed to complement existing materials.

North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department, Nature Preserve Program/ Natural Heritage Inventory
Missouri River Riparian and Terrestrial Ecosystem Survey
Amount: $27,100 (RGI)
This project will collect survey data through the identification, classification, mapping and assessment of threatened and impaired ecological communities along the Missouri River. Data will be integrated into Geographic Information System maps and will be used to define the boundaries of ecological communities and create quality spatial data products.

South Dakota award recipients include:
The Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University
Antibacterials in Manure and Biosolids influence microbial activity
Amount: $100,100 (NPDES)
This project will explore the connection among agronomic management practices -- herbicide use in crop production, antibacterial chemical use in animal production and human health, and landspreading of manure and biosolids-- to better understand their interactions. Laboratory and field data will be collected to define basic processes that occur and their interactions.

Rocky Mountain Watershed Network
Watershed Monitoring and Assessment Training
Amount: $69,000 (Source Water)
The Rocky Mountain Watershed Network will use recently developed training tools, local experts and resources, to provide 1) one local training in an identified priority area; 2) one regional "train-the-trainer," service provider training; and 3) one long-term active on-line training.

Rosebud Sioux Tribe
Pesticide and Hydrocarbon Screening
Amount: $54,950 (Source Water)
This project will provide for pesticide and hydrocarbon screening in up to 60 wells on the Rosebud Indian Reservation. Candidate wells for sampling and a future well-plugging program will be identified from a public participation project and from an ongoing well inventory project.

West Dakota Water Development District
Enhancement of Source Water Assessments in Karstic Aquifers
Amount: $40,000 (RGI)
In this project, water samples will be collected from 40 wells completed in the Madison aquifer and analyzed for stable isotopes to trace source waters, chlorofluorocarbons and tritium for age dating, and low-level nutrients to indicate human influence. A more specific understanding of source waters for local wells will be documented from this data.

Yankton Sioux Indian Tribe
Amount: $27,000 (Wetlands)
The Yankton Sioux Tribe is pursuing an active program to better understand and protect their wetland resources. As part of this program, ten permanent, semi-permanent, temporary or seasonal wetlands will be sampled for mercury/methylmercury and common ions during 2005.

Utah award recipients include:
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
A Reference-based Rapid Assessment Method for Utah Wetlands
Amount: $100,000 (Wetlands)
Work will consist of reviewing and field testing several provisional (non-calibrated) wetland assessment methods under development by various agencies in Utah. A work group has been organized to evaluate, compare, integrate and test these methods. This interagency project team will collaborate with the National Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Work Group to review/test other reference-based rapid assessment methods now in use around the country. The project will develop a rapid wetland assessment method that has been field verified using best professional judgment. The final product also will include a detailed quality assurance project plan for calibrating the method using reference wetland data.

Utah Department of Environmental Quality
A Wetland Reference Network for the Great Salt Lake Area/Great Basin Ecoregion
Amount: $100,000 (Wetlands)
Activities under this project will consist of selecting a set of reference sites for each of the major wetland classes/subclasses associated with the Great Salt Lake. Biological and hydrogeomorphic data will be collected at each of the sites using protocols and approaches described in assessment modules published by EPA and methods developed by the Utah wetland assessment projects. Acquired information will be interpreted to document the aquatic life and wildlife uses of each wetland class. The characterization of wetland use serves as the foundation for (a) building a Great Salt Lake wetland conservation strategy and (b) making informed regulatory decisions at individual project sites.

Utah Department of Natural Resources
Utah Wetland Technical Outreach Project
Amount: $54,221 (Wetlands)
This project will provide a series of wetlands training courses, including training the members of the Utah Wetland Advisory committee in wetlands ecological condition, assessment and model building. The grant will also provide the committee with wetlands data and assistance in interpretation.

Utah Geologic Service
Groundwater Modeling to Assess Effects of Wetlands on Farmington Bay
Amount: $53,226 (Wetlands)
This study will evaluate the hydrologic and quality/functionality effects of development in Davis County and the impact of increased groundwater withdrawals on the Farmington Bay wetlands.

Utah Division of Water Quality
TMDL Development for Duchesne River Watershed
Amount: $37,700 (TMDL)
This grant will support water quality analyses of Total Dissolved Solids for the lower Duchesne River and two tributaries (Antelope and Indian Canyon Creeks) that will result in the development of quantitative data on TDS that will inform pollution-reduction efforts or site-specific water quality criteria that will help manage water quality in the watershed.

Wyoming award recipients include:
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Development of Real-Time Sodium Adsorption Ratios for Watersheds
Amount: $82,000 (NPDES)
Through this project, WDEQ will develop equations to provide real-time estimates of sodium-adsorption ratios based on water-quality samples collected in the Tongue River, Powder River, Cheyenne River and Belle Fourche River watersheds. Identifying sodium-adsorption ratios for these watersheds will inform the permitting process and allow water managers to make decisions about the suitability of waters for agricultural and other designated uses.

For more on Region 8 Water program grants visit: www.epa.gov/Region8/ecosystems/cfp.html


In earlier EPA updates, see: "EPA Action: Judges uphold agency authority to override state clean water rules" -- ALSO in this report (June 18, 2005): In other agency news: U.S. unveils clean air deals with Valero, Sunoco to cut emissions by 44,000 tons a year; EPA, partners act to cut lead levels in drinking water in schools, child care facilities; Agency estimates future costs of safe drinking water at $277 billion; Chesapeake Bay partners take actions to reduce bay pollution; Alabama pipe company, executives found guilty of environmental crimes...


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