Each of the two UV chambers is fitted with a UV monitor which measures actual UV intensity and dose from the two lamps.
Click here to enlarge imageThe operators decided to look at other options and medium pressure UV seemed an obvious alternative. While having a similar footprint, medium pressure systems use lamps with a much higher UV output than low pressure lamps. In fact, only two lamps per disinfection chamber are required for the same level of disinfection.
The two medium pressure units chosen by the Riverport facility were supplied by Aquionics. They are installed after a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) and can treat a combined flow of up to 600 gpm of wastewater from the adjacent sports complex and residential areas. The disinfected wastewater is discharged into the Fraser River and meets all necessary quality standards for emission into watercourses.
In the new system, each of the medium pressure lamps is fitted with a mechanical wiper that automatically moves up and down the lamp's protective quartz sleeve, keeping it clean. Periodic chemical cleaning of the medium pressure lamps, if required, involves injecting the chemical into the treatment chamber where it cleans the lamps ‘in-line', without the necessity of removing the lamps or shutting down the system.
Each of the two UV chambers is fitted with a UV monitor which measures actual UV intensity and dose from the two lamps. This provides real-time disinfection information which can be downloaded for record keeping. Operating the UV system is simple and, when lamps need replacing, the job can be done by on-site staff.