Flow transmitter
The Burkert Type 8041 Electromagnetic Flow Transmitter is designed to operate as a transmitter and/or ON/OFF control. Able to function at high temperatures/pressures and compatible with pipe diameters from ½" to 16", the solid-state sensor finds use in applications that include wastewater treatment. Accommodating liquids with a conductivity > 20 µS/cm, the Type 8041 features a -4°F to 302°F medium temperature range and 233 psi maximum fluid pressure capability (with a brass or stainless steel fitting).
Burkert Fluid Control Systems
Tel: 949-223-3100
Web: www.burkert-usa.com
Chemical injectors
Chemilizer’s adjustable high volume CP33 is suited for chemical injection applications in municipal water treatment for small to medium size communities. It is installed using standard plumbing parts and can accommodate pipes of any size. The device injects only when water is flowing, eliminating the possibility of over injection. The volume of injection is easily adjusted using a simple visual interface.
Chemilizer Products Inc.
Largo, FL Tel: 800-234-7211 Web: www.chemilizer.com
Davit crane
Thern has developed a new 3000 lb. davit crane. The transportable davit represents a step up from the popular 5110 and 5124 davits in terms of capacity. Until now, the company could accommodate up to 2000 lbs with its portable cranes and up to 2200 lbs with its stationary 57 Series davits. Boom reach is also improved with a 112" maximum horizontal reach and 153" maximum vertical reach. Product specifications for the 3000 lb unit include a fixed boom with option for a hand-operated ratchet-style jack, five telescoping boom positions, mounting options for pedestal, socket and wall installation and choice of hand-operated or power operated winch units.
Thern Inc.
Winona, MN
Tel: 800-843-7648
Web: www.thern.com
Almetek Industries understands the importance of properly marking underground utility lines to help prevent unnecessary injury or damage caused by digging before knowing ‘what’s below’. These stainless steel markers with 3D embossed copy will provide homeowners and excavators the information needed to dig safely. Available in various colors, based on the type of utility, and with or without the optional customizable UV dome insert, the markers are guaranteed for 30 years.
Almetek Industries Inc.
Hackettstown, NJ
Tel: 800-248-2080
Web: www.almetek.com
Pumping control
Smith & Loveless delivers improved pumping control options with its PumpLogix™ Controllers, designed exclusively for Wet Well Mounted Pump Stations (WWMPS). The controllers, powered by microprocessor technology, come in two series options. The powerful L-Series model provides liquid-crystal display and complete pump station control, including simplified VFD programming.
Smith & Loveless
Lenexa, KS
Tel: 800-922-9048
Web: www.smithandloveless.com
Ball valve
Asahi/America has introduced the latest addition to its Halar® (E-CTFE) piping system line, the Halar® true union ball valve. The new valve can operate as a manual valve or be paired with the company’s pneumatic or electric actuators. The true union design allows for flow and pressure in either direction and eliminates the stress inherent to a ball secured only at the top.
Asahi/America Inc.
Malden, MA
Tel: 781-321-5409
Web: www.asahi-america.com
Modular wetlands
The Modular Wetland System - Linear (MWS-Linear), available from Bio Clean Environmental Services, replicates natural processes to remove a variety of contaminants from sediments to heavy metals to harmful nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous from stormwater. While most systems utilize a single treatment method, the modular wetlands system incorporates capture, screening, hydrodynamic separation, filtration, and bioretention into a single system. Completely modular, the system can either replace standard stormwater inlets or function in an on-line or off-line design.
Bio Clean Environmental Services Inc.
Oceanside, CA
Tel: 760-433-7640
Web: www.biocleanenvironmental.net
Water level monitoring
Solinst has developed the Levelogger Gold Series of data loggers, which can be supported by the new STS Telemetry Systems or integrate into a SCADA network for instant access to water level data. The series loggers are ideal for long-term monitoring. They feature a 10-year battery, non-volatile memory, power surge protection, lifetime calibration, and corrosion resistant coating.
Solinst Canada Ltd.
Georgetown, Ontario
Tel: 905-873-2255
Web: www.solinst.com
Pump control valves
Danfoss Flomatic has introduced its new Cycle Gard® Constant Pressure Pump Control Valves family. The hydraulically operated valves require no electricity and help eliminate the effect of water hammer, extend pump motor life, and allow for a reduced tank size. The valves automatically regulate downstream pressure, providing a constant pressure until the demand in the system is no longer required. Depending on the valve model, an integral or external low flow by-pass allows the system pressure to slowly rise under low demand and fill the tank or reservoir until the pressure switch setting is reached. shutting the pump off.
Danfoss Flomatic Corp.
Glens Falls, NY
Tel: 800-833-2040
Web: www.flomatic.com
Actuated valves
Assured Automation has introduced a new line of VAX valves for applications that require fast actuation. The compact valves combine a process valve and actuator in a single integrated unit with only one moving part. The valve has a coaxial design offering high flow rates with minimal pressure loss, while extending the life by as much as 10 times that of conventional valves. The electric version of the VAX functions like a direct acting solenoid valve. The valves close in as 0.25 milliseconds in either direction.
Assured Automation
Clark, NJ
Tel: 800-899-0553
Web: www.assuredautomation.com
Filter cartridges, housings
Schroeder Industries is now offering its SchroederSpun™ Cartridges and Housings. Spun from 100 percent pure polypropylene fibers, the graded density cartridges and housings offer high dirt holding capacities, providing a reliable, versatile and low-cost solution for a number of filtration applications. The cartridges work by trapping the larger sized particles on the outside of the element while harboring smaller particles closer to the element’s core.
Schroeder Industries
Leetsdale, PA
Tel: 724-318-1100
Web: www.schroederindustries.com
Stray voltage warning system
The Electrified Cover Safeguard is an on-site, real-time stray voltage warning system designed to warn the public and workers of a potential electrocution hazard in the event that a manhole, utility box, utility pole or street light should become dangerously electrified. The device produces a visual and/or audible warning and is designed to be incorporated into utility poles, luminaires, manhole covers, casements and utility boxes. The warning system can also be constructed to communicate with the utility and indicate exactly which manhole, utility pole or utility box has become electrified.
Electrified Cover Safeguard
New York, NY
Tel: 917-453-4778
Web: www.manholesafety.com
Lab help
Hach has begun offering “Live Help” to its customers in the water market. The new feature is available on the company’s website. Live Help gives customers a rapid response to their laboratory- and process-related questions, as well as general customer service and product ordering inquiries. Rather than picking up the phone or sending an e-mail and waiting for a response, the program gives customers the answers they need at the source.
Hach Co.
Loveland, CO
Tel: 800-227-4224
Web: www.hach.com
Alarm monitoring
The new ADS Spider™ is a place-anywhere, data logging and alarm monitoring system for a broad range of applications including water and sewer pumping stations, CSOs, and stormwater monitoring. It has an optional battery pack, remote data access and customer-driven notification specifications. The device is a stand-alone, compact, single-box system that requires no user software.
Huntsville, AL
Tel: 256-430-6261
Web: www.adsenv.com/spider