by Angela Godwin
Urban Water Management 2008, taking place March 31–April 2 in Louisville, KY, is a new integrated water quality conference addressing the management and control of stormwater and natural waters in urban areas. The event features a comprehensive conference agenda focusing on topics such as urban watershed management, stormwater best management practices (BMPs), storage and treatment systems, hydraulic modeling, low impact development, and funding of municipal and industrial water management programs.
Designed with engineers, consultants, regulatory groups, municipal employees, watershed/stormwater program managers, and contractors in mind, the conference will include over 40 presentations from a range of experts in the field of urban water management. The event is being presented by PennWell, the publisher of WaterWorld and Industrial Waterworld magazines. The Louisville/Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District is the local utility sponsor.
Among the presenters at the conference is Beth Chesson, president of the southeast chapter of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA), who will present an extended session on post-construction BMPs.
An extended, panel-format “megasession” will delve into the critical topic of stormwater program funding, a subject that can often be a source of both confusion and frustration. Serving on the panel are: Tony Bagwell, Senior Economist and Vice President, HDR Engineering Inc.; Pete Yakimowich, Senior Consultant Water Resources, Arcadis; Steve Veal, Principal, Carter & Burgess; and Allen Mullins, Vice President, PROS Consulting LLC.
Urban Water Management is pleased to welcome Dr. Gary Minton to the agenda. In addition to presenting a paper during the conference, Dr. Minton will offer his two-day short course, Stormwater for the Practicing Engineer (and Scientist), beginning April 2 at 12:30 p.m. at the Marriott and ending at 5:00 p.m. on April 3. Dr. Minton has held his well-received course at many locations in the United States and Canada since 2002. It is the only short course to thoroughly cover how treatment systems work: the basic mechanisms of pollutant removal and their relationship to design criteria. Dr. Minton will also cover treatment systems used in LID, such as bioretention and manufactured systems.
Another highlight of the event is a keynote presentation by Tom Schueler, founder of the Center for Watershed Protection. Schueler has a keen interest in the science and management of urban streams, and has worked for more than 20 years on practical techniques for protecting and restoring them. From 1982 to 1992, Schueler worked at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, where he led the Anacostia Watershed Restoration Team. Currently, he is the founder and director of the Chesapeake Stormwater Network.
Two networking receptions will be available to attendees. Hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be served on the exhibit floor, allowing colleagues to network while viewing exhibits from top vendors in the stormwater industry. Exhibitors at Urban Water Management 2008 include: BaySaver Inc.; Brentwood Industries Inc.; C.I. Agent Solutions; Contech Stormwater Solutions; Crystal Stream Technologies; CUES; Filterra; Freedom Plastics Inc.; Fresh Creek Technologies; Great Escape Commercial Contracting; Hach Environmental; HDR Engineering; Hydro International; Imbrium Systems Corp.; Invisible Structures; ITT Flygt Corp.; Johnson Screens; Marsh McBirney; Myron L. Company; OneRain Inc.; Rinker Materials - Concrete Pipe Division; StormTrap; Stormwater Systems; Ultraliner Inc.; and Weatherford International.
Registration is now open for Urban Water Management 2008. Registrations received before February 28, 2008, will receive a discount of $100. For complete conference details or to register, see the event website at For exhibit information, please contact exhibit sales manager Katherine Casey at [email protected].