Product Showcase

April 1, 2018
Collection of products of special interest to the municipal water and wastewater markets.

FOG and odor control

MICROCAT-BioPOPS are rugged, semi-submersible solid forms that slowly dissolve and release safe, naturally-occurring microbes that can reduce odor and improve fat, oil and grease (FOG) degradation. Composed of slowly dissolving, environmentally sound, biodegradable matrix material packed inside a durable, porous mesh netting, they are designed to be dropped into or suspended by a line or rope in used-water containing systems like drains, grease traps, lift stations, or sewer lines. Available in several sizes, MICROCAT-­BioPOPS are ideal for installation in any drain, grease trap, lift station or sewer line experiencing odor problems and/or the buildup of FOG.

Bioscience Inc.

Circle No. 200 on Reader Service Card

Multi-operation survey system

Straightpoint and Tarka-Systems B.V.'s Multi Operation Survey System (MOSS) can collect data from up to six different monitoring devices on a jobsite. Featuring six 4-20 mA inputs that collect information when multiple types of data are required, captured by load cells, thermometers, anemometers and other technologies, it is typically applied where data needs to be gathered over a period of time. An IP67-rated, portable case, mounted on which are the connectors (also IP67 rated) that can be used while the case is closed, offers protection from the elements.


Circle No. 201 on Reader Service Card

Telemetry system

Monitor high- or low-level conditions using the new STS Edge Telemetry System with alarm notification capabilities. The STS Edge sends water level, temperature and conductivity data from remote Solinst dataloggers to your home station computer. It connects up to four dataloggers, including the Levelogger Series and AquaVent. Two-way communication allows you to remotely send changes to the STS Edge data collection and reporting schedule.

Solinst Canada Ltd.

Circle No. 202 on Reader Service Card

Aerobic digestion

Xylem's new aerobic digester solution under its Sanitaire brand decreases energy consumption by up to 90%. The Sanitaire Vorelodos aerobic digester system combines equipment, controls and services to future-proof wastewater treatment plants by ensuring they meet current and future U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations while simultaneously reducing operational costs. An automated decanting feature and aeration control means that staff time can be invested in other activities. Suitable for newly constructed conventional activated sludge plants or upgrades to existing plants over 0.5 million gallons per day (MGD), as well as oxidation ditch upgrades and aerobic digester aeration retrofits.

Sanitaire, a Xylem brand

Circle No. 203 on Reader Service Card

Performance management upgrade

SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions has upgraded its InSight asset performance management (APM) system. The secure, cloud-based interface uses data and analytics to ensure assets operate at higher levels of reliability, efficiency and output. Improved visualizations, including a new geomap feature and simplified navigations, aim to make InSight easier to use, while expanded reporting and file management features enable sharing and analysis of key data points at all levels of an organization. The new enhancements include four main capabilities: geomap and asset fleet view, modernized user interface and navigation, multi-site reporting and enhanced file management.

SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions

Circle No. 204 on Reader Service Card

Slurry cartridge single seal

Chesterton introduces the 170L Slurry Cartridge Single Seal for heavy duty applications. Engineered to operate reliably in severe slurry environments without external seal flushes in the majority of applications, the seal can help reduce water expenses, especially where clean water is scarce or costly to produce. The 170L is designed to fit Warman® AH® series pumps without pump modification. A single clamping screw prevents equipment shaft damage and simplifies seal removal in sticky or viscous fluids, or where solids have a tendency to clog up standard set screw designs.

A.W. Chesterton Company

Circle No. 205 on Reader Service Card

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