Filter bags
DuragafTM Filter Bags from Eaton Filtration represent the latest development in needled felt filter bag media. They offer a service life two to five times greater than standard felt media filter bags. The bags are available in polypropylene and polyester. These two materials use a fiber blend with a finer fiber diameter and a higher weight than ordinary media.
Eaton Filtration LLC
Elizabeth, NJ Tel: 908-787-1000 Web:
Membrane water treatment
Pall’s membrane MF and UF water treatment systems remove particulate, microbiological pathogens, inorganics, and organics from groundwater, surface water, seawater, and wastewater. Pall AriaTM systems produce pure water for drinking, irrigation, industrial reuse and many other applications. The packaged and pre-engineered Pall Aria AP system is easy to install and operate.
Pall Corp.
Port Washington, NY Tel: 888-428-5597 Web:
Membrane filtration
Hydranautics’ Low Fouling Composite LFC3-LD (Low Differential pressure) membrane is designed with a thicker brine spacer, lowering the Delta P, meeting the increased demand for lower fouling membranes that require less frequent cleaning - while maintaining a high permeate flow. It can provide 11,000 gpd of flow at 99.7% nominal salt rejection. The membrane is well suited for the treatment of difficult feed waters for numerous municipal and industrial applications, which up to now required significant feed water pretreatment upstream of any composite reverse osmosis membrane.
Hydranautics Inc.
Oceanside, CA
Tel: 800-272-7873
Band screen
JWC Environmental’s Bandscreen MonsterTM, part of the Monster Separation SystemTM, screens wastewater to remove problem solids and provide protection for membrane bioreactors (MBRs). The unique inside-out flow pattern captures solids on the inside loop of the screen to prevent solids from bypassing, and the rotating perforated panels with 2mm openings lift unwanted solids out of the channel to prevent them from clogging MBRs. The stainless steel and UHMW plastic construction extends equipment life.
JWC Environmental
Costa Mesa, CA
Tel: 800-331-2277
MBR system
The California Department of Health Services has approved the use of Parkson’s DynaLiftTM Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) as an acceptable filtration technology that complies with the state’s water recycling criteria (Title 22). The flexible, out-of-basin system uses ultrafiltration tubular membranes with a simple biological wastewater treatment plant to provide high-quality effluent for beneficial reuse.
Parkson Corp.
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Tel: 847-816-3700
Ultrafiltration membranes
SpiraSep ultrafiltration technology from Ashbrook Simon-Hartley employs a hydrophilic sheet membrane configured in a spiral orientation. The spiral approach creates a structure that is durable, yet provides discrete, open feed channels. These open feed channels virtually eliminate plugging and make the membrane efficiently backflushable.
Ashbrook Simon-Hartley
Houston, TX
Tel: 800-362-9041
Deep bed filtration
The downflow Strata-SandTM filter provides true coarse-to-fine media filtration with single media sand. The sand filter offers continuous, steady-state operation in a multigrade, deep bed, downflow design. It is ideal for municipal applications, including tertiary filtration and potable water treatment. The filters are certified for wastewater re-use.
Ashbrook Simon-Hartley
Houston, TX
Tel: 800-362-9041
Filtration systems
Baker Filtration offers a wide range of equipment and vessels for liquid and vapor filtration applications, including drinking water and wastewater. The company’s vessels are constructed with heavy-duty mild steel and lined with a double-layer epoxy coating. The company can match the correct specialty media to the application. Activated carbon, ion exchange resin, and sand are among the media that Baker can provide.
Baker Tanks
Seal Beach, CA
Tel: 562-430-6262
Stormwater treatment
The CDS Technologies SanSep system reduces the impact of excess wet weather sanitary flow by removing 100% of floatable and neutrally buoyant materials and associated pollutants, and returning them directly to the interceptor sewer, downstream of the overflow point. It treats to design flow capacity without releasing contaminants even in overflow events.
CDS Technologies Inc.
Winter Park, FL
Tel: 800-848-9955
Turbidity, color removal
Filtronics Electromedia® V provides turbidity and color removal. The system consists of an alum feed, a reaction vessel (size based on water temperature), and a filter vessel. The media has absorptive qualities and captures particles that would ordinarily pass through conventional filtration units. The filter removes material below two microns including giardia and cryptosporidium. All the company’s systems are automated to allow for unattended operation and require a smaller physical space than conventional systems.
Filtronics Inc.
Anaheim, CA
Tel: 714-630-5040
Phosphorus removal
Blue Water Technologies offers technologies to remove phosphorus, nitrate, arsenic, heavy metals, endocrine disruptors, and other contaminants from wastewater. The company’s patent-pending Blue PROTM process removes phosphorus from wastewater streams to meet the most stringent permit limits. Typical applications are: 1) municipal wastewater plants as tertiary treatment for phosphorus removal and 2) wastewater facilities that desire Class A Reuse water.
Blue Water Technologies Inc.
Tel: 888-710-2583
DE filters
A new series of low cost potable water filter systems is available from GNT Filter Co. for small community, municipal and park water plants. The filters meet LT1 & LT2 requirements based on EPA approved technology for Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (ESWTR) using Diatomaceous Earth filter media. A propriety modified filter vessel is combined with filter pump, automatic valves, controller, bodyfeed system and instrumentation including online turbidimeter, flowmeter and data recorder.
GNT Filter Co.
Fairfield, CA
Tel: 707-426-0926
Automatic filter
Amiad Filtration Systems has introduced the AMF2 (Automatic Microfiber Filter) series, for filtration as fine as 3 microns. The automatic, self-cleaning filter provides cartridge performance without the need for media replacement. The media consists of sets of thread cartridges, constructed of fine threads wound in layers around a plastic spool.
Amiad Filtration Systems
Oxnard, CA
Tel: 805-988-3323
Stormwater filtration
The Stormwater Management StormFilter® offered by Contech Stormwater Solutions removes pollutants from stormwater through a patented passive filtration process that meets the most stringent regulatory requirements. The treatment systems are recognized as a best management practice (BMP) for removing a variety of pollutants, such as sediments, oil and grease, metals, organics, and nutrients.
Contech Stormwater Solutions Inc
Scarborough, ME
Tel: 877-907-8676
Control valve
CSI Water Treatment has introduced the Signature Series control valve, suitable for smaller-flow filter operations. It features 12 vDC operation, five fully adjustable cycles and two-button programming. Built-in switch outputs eliminate the need for micro-switches to power up other pieces of equipment. The valve can flow up to 27 gpm and can provide backwash for tanks up to 16” in diameter.
CSI Water Treatment Systems
Ashland, OH
Tel: 800-363-5842
Pressure filtration
EPD Wearnes manufactures high rate pressure filtration systems for use in municipal drinking water treatment. Systems range in size from 25 gpm to 2000+gpm. They feature a pre-engineered, containerized design that provides 2-log removal credit for Cryptosporidium. The systems are ideal for retrofit or expansion of older systems.
EPD Wearnes (USA) Inc.
Banning, CA
Tel: 951-849-7474
Laser nephelometer
The new Hach FilterTrakTM 660sc Laser Nephelometer measures turbidity from 0 to 5 NTU with resolution of 0.0003 NTU - using USEPA-approved methodology. Utilities gain early detection of filter deterioration and enjoy the accuracy, convenience, and labor-savings of prepared StablCal® Stabilized Formazin Standards. Connecting with the multiple-sensor sc100 and sc1000 controllers, the FT660sc provides direct digital communication, six-month data logging, and plug-and-play compatibility with other Hach digital sensors.
Hach Co.
Loveland CO
Tel: 800-227-4224
Filtration medium
Inversand Co. has released a new brochure and mailer that details the benefits of its new GreensandPlusTM water filtration medium. The product provides all the benefits of Manganese Greensand plus delivers new benefits that make the process perform at least 50% better, driving costs down. The company has established a worldwide distribution system that can deliver this product virtually anywhere in the world. GreensandPlus is available for immediate delivery in super sacks, 1 metric ton (2205 lbs) bulk; or ½ cu. ft. bags (44 lbs.) on pallets.
Inversand Co.
Clayton, NJ
Tel: 856-881-2345
Screening equipment
Hydro-Dyne Engineering offers a line of screening equipment ranging from 1 mm to 3" openings and 100 gpm to 100 mgd flows. New products include the Hydro-Flo (pictured) and Triden Screens. The Hydro-Flo Screen is specifically designed to protect sensitive equipment such as membranes while the Triden Screens are installed in a number of municipal and industrial processes.
Hydro-Dyne Engineering
Clearwater, FL
Tel: 727-532-0777
Container filter
The Flo Trend® Container Filter is a patented, economical, one-step method for separating and dewatering waste streams. The filter’s simple design features filter media on the walls and floor. The compartments behind the filters allow the built-in drains to dewater by gravity or vacuum assisted pump drainage. Filter media is supplied as reusable panels in a variety of materials.
Flo Trend Systems Inc.
Tel: 800-762-9893
MBR treatment
Koch offers its PuronTM submerged membrane modules for use in membrane bioreactor (MBR) treatment of municipal and industrial wastewate. The membrane modules remove solids and meet stringent effluent requirements, while using less space than conventional alternatives. A proprietary feature of the modules is the air nozzle, which discharges air from the center of each fiber bundle at the base.
Koch Membrane Systems Inc.
Wilmington, MA
Tel: 888-677-5624
Catch basin filter
The EnviroSafeTM Modular Stormwater Catch Basin Filter System, available from Transpo Industries, can be used to help meet EPA NPDES-II for MS4s. This lighter filter cartridge offers an even higher filtered flow rate (110 gpm) and improved antimicrobial ability. The system can be retrofitted for most existing flat-grate or combination curb-grated stormwater catch basins.
Transpo Industries, Inc.
New Rochelle, NY
Tel: 800-321-7870
Denitrification system
The Leopold elimi-NITETM Denitrification System uses the advantages of deep bed, mono-media filters to remove nitrogen and suspended solids in wastewater effluent. The gravity, downflow, packed-bed denitrification system is an attached growth, microbiological process which removes nitrate-nitrogen, achieving levels below 1 mg/liter. Physically, it is identical to a deep-bed downflow sand filter with Leopold® Type S® Dual Parallel Lateral Underdrain and silica media.
F.B. Leopold Co., ITT Water Treatment
Zelienople, PA
Tel: 724-452-6300
Membrane bioreactor
Titan MBRTM marries the wastewater treatment engineering expertise of Smith & Loveless with Flat-Plate Membranes. Submerged in the aeration section of the MBR tank, the S&L Flat-Plate Membrane - rated at the microfiltration level - maintains high permeability and flux rates even at peak-day rates. Because the system employs air scouring to prevent fouling, it does not require back-pulsing or the associated equipment and chemical costs typical of other systems.
Smith & Loveless
Lenexa, KS
Tel: 913-888-5201
Self-cleaning filters
Automatic Filters Inc. offers the Tekleen® automatic, self-cleaning water filters. Filters are available in a range from 1" - 36" in flange size and a single unit can flow up to 20,000 gpm. The company’s new screen cleaning technology, Tekrinse, can save up to 90% of the rinse water.
Automatic Filters Inc.
Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 800-336-1942