With helpful case studies, applications notes and best practices information, the new FCI Flow/Level Measurement Product and Services Catalog CD Release 11.5 provides a wide range of instruments that increase process productivity, reduce plant maintenance and lower operating costs. The catalog can help engineers in specifying the right flow, level or temperature instrument. The new CD explains FCI’s precision thermal dispersion mass flow measurement technology, as well as providing comprehensive product specifications.
Fluid Components International
San Marcos, CA
Tel: 800-854-1993
Web: www.fluidcomponents.com/cd
Circle No. 243 on Reader Service Card
Protective coatings
The SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings, has launched its new website. The site offers easier downloads of standards for members, simplified online registration for training courses, and streamlined account management and password retrieval. Users can find certified contractors and conduct a quicker membership directory search.
SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings
Pittsburgh, PA
Web: www.sspc.org
Circle No. 244 on Reader Service Card
UV technology
Aquionics has launched its new website, providing information, advice, and news on the company’s UV technology, and UV water treatment generally. The new site will be a continually developing resource aimed at process engineers, plant designers, contractors, and anyone interested in discovering the benefits of UV technology in municipal, industrial, and aquatic applications.
Aquionics, a Halma Co.
Tel: 800-925-0440
Web: www.aquionics.com
Circle No. 245 on Reader Service Card
Flow products