The Mónashell® system from Bord na Móna Environmental Products.
Click here to enlarge imageWaste airstream is directed into recirculating water within the Mónashell unit, allowing contact between selected micro-organisms and odorous compounds. The harmless bacteria reside on the shell media, which contains high levels of CaCO3 and neutralizes acid byproducts of sulfide oxidation. The physical, structural and chemical properties of the media allow for smaller filters and higher efficiencies. By-products of the biofiltration process are harmless, clean and odor-free.
Headquartered in Dublin Ireland, Bord na Móna is a multi-national $550-million full line provider of products and services in the environmental, energy, fuels, and horticulture markets. The US branch of the company, Bord na Móna Environmental Products U.S. Inc. ( is headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina. WW
Bord na Mona is an exhibitor at the WEFTEC.09 event and can be found at Booth No. 2319
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