Onsite generation of hypo, as an alternative to bulk purchase, is expected to lower disinfection chemical cost for Mason City's MBR plant by more than 50 percent, while also improving disinfection reliability. |
"We had some issues with initial startup due to the tight time schedules related to our grant funding, but once we were up and going, we've made a very consistent product," Thorson said. "We only had two of our four operators on hand at the time we first started up, due to retirements. The two new operators picked up on it quickly, despite having no previous treatment plant experience, and so did both of our weekend relief operators.
"We have the generator on our SCADA system, with integration accomplished through programming input from the vendor," he said. "We can see what we need to from the control room and don't have to walk back to the generator to get operation information."
Generating Process
Electrolytic Technologies Corporation's patented Klorigen™ process is designed to deliver products that can solve critical environmental and safety-of-life problems at the point-of-use with increased efficacy, while significantly reducing the costs and risks associated with the transportation of hazardous chemicals through the communities that need to be protected.
The process addresses any concerns relating to safety and cost of operations through its "inherently safe technology" (IST); advanced electrochemical process technology; efficient operating economics; and inherent independence from third-party chemical procurement.
Intuitive operating software coupled with robust mechanical design facilitates efficient and economical operation. It can produce very pure sodium hypochlorite from <5 to 15% concentration, certifiable to ANSI/NSF Standard 60.
Regarding safety, the IST aspect of Klorigen's onsite chlorine sodium hypochlorite generating technology has enabled it to be the only one certified by DHS as Designated QATT. The process generates chlorine gas at less than atmospheric pressure, which virtually eliminates the possibility of a dangerous toxic gas release.
Because the system operates at less than one atmosphere of pressure, with electrodes separated by a semi-perfluorinated membrane, any risk for hydrogen explosion in either the electrolyzers or downstream in the hypo storage tanks is eliminated.
The chlorine gas when combined with the co-product sodium hydroxide can be converted to high-strength sodium hypochlorite, with the operating cost in most cases comparable to or less than alternative chlor-alkali products available to the end user.
Klorigen has a projected life exceeding 20 years, with minor refurbishments scheduled at five- to eight-year intervals. Its chemical products (elemental chlorine gas, sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite) equal the quality and efficacy of conventional bulk-supplied alternatives and comply with National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) standards.
Modular designs allow for the capacity of some systems to be increased within existing footprints by a factor of two or even three, with minimal interruption to operations. Every system and subsystem is designed to fit within conventional ocean-freight shipping (TEU) containers, thus allowing for low-cost road and sea freight to the customer's site.
About the Author: Cliff Lebowitz is an independent reporter and editor. His third-party case histories -- usually industrial equipment applications -- are based on interviews with end users and are approved by them for accuracy and completeness.
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