STUART, FL, Sept. 27, 2005 -- Janet L. Jaworski, CMP, administrative director, of the American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA), noted that there's still time to register and receive early registration discount for AMTA Technology Transfer Workshop to be held Nov. 9-10 in Mesa, Ariz.
The event's theme is "Water Resource Management: How Membranes May Fit Into Your Resource Plans."
Sessions will focus on the following topics: The Future of Water Resources in the Desert Southwest, Developing Brackish Groundwater in Las Vegas, Building Large Capacity Desalting Plants, Desalting Reclaimed Water with EDR in San Diego, Facility Tour of the City of Chandler Intel Water Reclamation Plant, Concentrate Management: Using Solar Gradient Ponds for Enhanced Evaporation, Concentrate Disposal by Zero Liquid Discharge, a Manufacturer's Forum on Reuse Applications/Innovations; Construction, Operations & Maintenance of Membrane Facilities: Start-Up & Operation of a MBR Plant Solely on Septage, Membrane Plant Start-Up, and Design & Construction of the Hemmett WTP.
A brochure and on-line registration will be added to the AMTA Website very soon.
Sponsorship opportunities and a few Tabletop Exhibitor Spaces are still available, please contact Janet or Cathie at AMTA. Spaces are still available and are assigned on a first come, first paid basis.
For additional information, contact AMTA via phone at 772-463-0820, online at, email at [email protected] or fax at 772-463-0860.