RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA, June 14, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Basin Water Inc. has received a U.S. patent for its high-efficiency ion exchange system for removing nitrate from water. The patent, No. 6,878,286, was issued to Peter L. Jensen, Gerald A. Guter and Dan Ziol of Basin Water.
In broad terms, the patent covers the use of a multiple bed ion exchange system controlled by a computer specifically for the removal of nitrate from water. "This is one of the most important advances in the use of ion exchange technology for nitrate removal since the introduction of nitrate selective resins. Significantly, the inventor of nitrate selective resins, Dr. Gerald Guter, was also one of the co-inventors of this patent," stated Basin Water President Peter Jensen.
Nitrate contamination of water is a worldwide problem caused by the use of fertilizers for agriculture and septic systems in the absence of centralized wastewater treatment. Nitrate is an acute toxin, and both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have set stringent limits on nitrate in drinking water.
The system described by the patent allows Basin Water to package a cost-effective, turn-key water treatment solution in a standard shipping container, deliverable to a client site in a short period of time. The system can also be designed for installation into a building. The Basin Water Ion Exchange (BWiX) treatment approach provides waste rates in the 0.1 to 0.5% range, compared to standard ion exchange treatment with waste rates ranging from 1 to 7% of treated flow. The automated control system allows for remote operation with minimal operator involvement. Superior uptime (in excess of 98%) and unique multi-vessel design approach assure the system will be available for use with minimal downtime and maintenance burden to the owner or operator.
Jensen stated: "We are extremely pleased to receive Patent Office recognition of the uniqueness of our operating system. The benefits of this system to our clients are a dramatic reduction in waste generated during the ion exchange regeneration process, simplified operator use and a significant cost savings due to the high efficiency of the system." The patent provides broad coverage for Basin Water's BWiX systems, assuring market clarity for its clients and future customers, while protecting the company's unique intellectual property. "We have been very successful to date in providing water treatment services for customers utilizing this technology for the removal of nitrate contaminated groundwater throughout the west and with the strength of this patent, look to expand this success nationally," Jensen added.
The high-efficiency Basin Water system will allow many contaminated wells, which are presently unusable, to be returned to service, creating new sources of drinking water. This is important due to the decreasing supply of clean water both in the U.S. and around the world.
Many utilities, cities and special districts rely on Basin Water every day to help them meet their clean water needs. Basin Water has over 30 million gallons per day of installed capacity using this patented design. Unit capacities range from 300 gpm (gallons per minute) to over 2,000 gpm.
With headquarters in Rancho Cucamonga, Basin Water (www.basinwater.com) is a privately held water treatment and services company with experienced professionals dedicated to delivering cost-effective and reliable water treatment systems and services to municipal, industrial, and governmental customers worldwide.