WASHINGTON, DC, June 23, 2005 -- CG/LA Infrastructure LLC has released its latest monthly Project Analytics report with a focus on "An Emerging Water Paradigm; Finally Addressing the Issues -- Peru's Program."
The Inter-American Development Bank plans to catalyze growth in private sector participation in Peru's water and sanitation sectors. Initial funding is set at US$97 million -- and designed to cover the soft costs supporting nearly US$500 million in total investment. The project offers a series of business opportunities to the private sector including 45,000 kilometers of new pipes, and 5 new wastewater treatment plants. Tumbes, the first concession, will be offered on July 11th- and 'if that goes well, we are in good shape,' according to one official.
For more information on CG/LA's Water & Wastewater Analytics, which includes monthly reports that highlight projects such as Peru's Program, visit: www.cg-la.com/bprojectanalyticsb.htm.
Sample list of other current Water & Wastewater Projects being tracked by CG/LA (projects marked with a "*" have been updated within the last 3 weeks):
-- Alto Tiete Water Supply Project, Brazil*
-- Ampliacion del Acueducto Tijuana Rio Colorado, Mexico
-- Antofagasta Desalination Plant, Chile*
-- Ceara "Sanear II" Sanitation Program, Brazil*
-- CEF Efficiency Funding Initiative, Brazil*
-- Chillion Phase 2, Peru
-- Colombia System-Wide Water Pipe Expansion, Colombia
-- Colombia Wastewater Treatment Plants, Colombia
-- Colombia Water Treatment Plants, Colombia
-- Copasa Wastewater Treatment Facility, Brazil
-- Costa Rica Water Sector Modernization Assistance Project, Costa Rica*
-- CRA Water Loss Improvements and Regulatory Reforms Project, Colombia
-- ETE de Belchior, Brazil
-- Hermosillo Potable Water Program (Re-charging groundwater), Mexico
-- IDB Water Initiative, Peru/Ecuador*
-- Kingston Metro Water Supply Rehabilitation, Jamaica*
-- Lake Maracaibo Wastewater Treatment Plant Project, Venezuela*
-- Lima Water Rehabilitation and Management, Peru
-- Macrocircuito, Mexico
-- Minas Gerais - Ampliacao da Rede de Esgoto, Brazil
-- Montevideo Sanitation Program Phase IV, Uruguay
-- Olmos Hydroelectric & Irrigation Project, Peru
-- Panama City Wastewater Treatment Facility, Panama*
-- Plantas de Tratamiento, Mexico
-- Potable Water and Sanitation Services - Rural Communities, Mexico
-- Potable Water Program for Medium Size Cities, Ecuador
-- Proyecto Rio Extoraz, Mexico
-- Queretaro Potable Water, Mexico
-- Quito Potable Water Rios Orientales, Ecuador
-- Region IX Water Utility Aguas Araucania, Chile
-- Rio de Janeiro - Wastewater Collection & Treatment, Brazil
-- Rural Sanitation, Peru
-- Rural Water Investment Program, Guatemala*
-- San Pedro Sula Water and Sewerage Project, Honduras*
-- Santa Cruz Potable Water Project, Bolivia
-- Sao Paulo Coastal Water and Wastewater Expansion and Upgrade, Brazil*
-- Sedapal Rio Rimac Water Duct, Peru
-- Sistema de Regadio Valle Aconcagua, Chile*
-- Storax River Project, Mexico
-- Tumbes & Piura Water Concession, Peru
-- Valsequillo Cleanup Project, Mexico*
-- Venezuela Urban & Rural Water Supply & Sanitation, Venezuela*
-- Veracruz Wastewater, Mexico
CG/LA Infrastructure LLC is a specialist in business intelligence, strategy advice and project development on global infrastructure projects. It focuses on the fundamental infrastructure sectors of Power and Water/Wastewater, with a particular emphasis on Latin America. It hosts the Latin American Leadership Forum and the Leadership Forum Series, whose next key event is the Venezuela-USA Businesss Round, June 30-July 1, in Caracas, Venezuela. Led by CEO and president Norman F. Anderson, CG/LA has offices in Washington, D.C., and Sao Paulo, Brazil.