NOVI, MI, Oct. 12, 2005 -- Seeking increased market share of ion exchange resins and its other related water purification products and equipment, Thermax USA, has expanded its executive staff with key appointments in sales, marketing and manufacturing.
Shashidhar Shastri, president of Thermax subsidiaries in the Western Hemisphere, named industry veteran Jim Sabzali the company's new general manager for North America. Philadelphia-based Sabzali, 46, was former sales manager of Dow Chemical's resins and adsorbents division. More recently, he was North American sales and marketing manager for Purolite. He is a former resident of Toronto now living in suburban Philadelphia.
Other Thermax staff additions include Cindy Gresham, new sales manager for the Eastern United States and Nancy Gleasman as the new sales manager for the central Midwestern states.
"These proven hires denote our renewed commitment to the United States as well as the entire North American market," Sabzali claims. "Plus, with our equipment division, we have the option of offering turn-key solutions, not just commodities. This sets us apart from all the other ion exchange producers."
India-based Thermax is a recognized leader in energy and environmental engineering. Its capabilities not only include water treatment and recycling, they also cover products and services that provide heating, cooling, waste heat recovery, captive power, waste management, plus performance chemicals.
Founded just over 35 years ago, Thermax is a publicly traded company based near Bombay, India. Annual global sales of this debt-free company approach $500 million -- from water purification chemicals, catalysts and adsorbents -- plus, equipment and heavy machinery manufacturing. Devoted to the design and fabrication of boilers, blowers, chillers, as well as custom engineering and building of small systems up to large municipal water treatment plants.
Through technology partnerships and strategic alliances, the company has established a global presence with companies from a broad spectrum of industries while remaining committed to development of technologies that conserve energy and are environmentally friendly. Find out more about this rapidly growing company by visiting or