WILMOT, NH, Oct. 21, 2005 (PRWEB) -- StormwaterAuthority LLC, a multi-partnered website designed to assist both the private and public sectors in making informed decisions about stormwater treatment and management, announced Wednesday that Baysaver Technologies Inc. is now a Thunder Affiliate of the company. StormwaterAuthority.org is a comprehensive resource of information, news, events and research designed to help professionals make informed decisions on stormwater.
"BaySaver Technologies, Inc. is committed to cleaning stormwater and we carry this through to our products, services and research. StormwaterAuthority is a platform not only for our advocacy, it also supports our values in education, research, and information sharing," said Ken Barksdale, CEO of BaySaver Technologies. "We look forward to working with StormwaterAuthority to disseminate information on new technology advances in stormwater technology, and assisting decision makers with the water quality issues they face."
BaySaver Technologies Inc. (www.baysaver.com) was founded in 1997, as a manufacturer of the BaySaver Stormwater Separation System. The system operates using gravity flow and density differences to remove free oils, suspended sediments, and floatables (trash and other floating debris) from stormwater runoff. BaySaver Technologies, Inc. offers products ranging from oil/water separation systems to filtration units.
"BaySaver Technologies, Inc. works to provide products and services that help treat stormwater runoff. Their commitment to StormwaterAuthority as a resource enables us to continue to share research and knowledge with decision makers and help them make informed decisions about stormwater," said Lisa Begin, General Manager, StormwaterAuthority. "We welcome BaySaver Technologies, Inc. and look forward to a great relationship with them."
For more information about Baysaver Technologies, Inc. and StormwaterAuthority visit www.stormwaterauthority.org.
StormwaterAuthority LLC is a company committed to clean water through the support and sharing of knowledge through its website. The company offers a place where specifying engineers, contractors, developers, site owners and regulators can learn and share information, research best management practices and regulations, and find the latest news on stormwater management and treatment. It works to create a community to assist professionals in implementing the best plan, reducing short and long-term costs, and making informed business and environmental decisions.