MILWAUKEE, WI, Oct. 11, 2005 -- Lakewood Instruments announced its new ownership as an independent, privately owned and operated company as of Sept. 30. The company was previously part of GE Water & Process Technologies, acquired when GE bought Osmonics in February 2003.
With renewed focus on the water treatment industry, Lakewood Instruments will operate under a new business plan that will include new investments for product development and increased market coverage. As always, Lakewood people remain committed to a high level of customer service. All Lakewood employees will remain with the company, with several achieving over 10 years of service.
Lakewood Instruments is a manufacturer and assembler of reliable water treatment controllers for cooling tower, boiler, process, and waste water applications. The company offers three main product lines which include the M2000 LonWorks series, the M1500 series, and the M100 series.
In early 2006, Lakewood Instruments will add a new combination model to its M1500 series product line, which has conductivity and pH with seven output relays.
Lakewood Instruments ( offers conductivity, pH, and ORP water treatment controllers for practical and reliable solutions involving cooling tower, boiler, process, and waste water applications.