DENVER, Oct. 12, 2005 -- Three prominent water and public health organizations, the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF), today announced the 21st edition of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater guide will be available this week. Standard Methods has served as the definitive water quality testing guide since 1905.
The Centennial Edition provides more than 400 separate methods of water quality measurements used by scientists, analysts and engineers, including 104 revised methods, 23 new methods and 16 EPA-approved methods. The guide also contains dozens of full color pages of aquatic algae illustration and more than 300 illustrated figures. Physical and aggregate properties, metals, inorganic nonmetallic constituents, aggregate organic constituents, individual organic compounds, radioactivity, toxicity, microbiological examination, and biological examination are covered.
"Standard Methods has represented the best practices of American water analysts for 100 years," said Jack Hoffbuhr, executive director of AWWA. "It is the most comprehensive collection of water analysis techniques in the world, and will undoubtedly go a long way in helping utilities provide a higher level of service to consumers with the interest of the public health the utmost priority."
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater can be ordered on-line from the AWWA bookstore at A companion, online, subscription-based service is available at
AWWA is one of the most authoritative resource for knowledge, information, and advocacy to improve the quality and supply of water in North America and beyond. It's the largest organization of water professionals in the world, advancing public health, safety and welfare by uniting the efforts of the full spectrum of the water community.