GRAND RAPIDS, MI, Oct. 13, 2005 -- Falcon Waterfree Technologies LLC today named James Krug as president and chief executive officer for global operations, and Ron Gastelum as chairman of the company advisory board.
The appointment of James ("Jamie") Krug to the new position of president and CEO for global operations reflects Falcon Waterfree's focus on aligning senior leadership with strong growth opportunities around the globe. This new position includes the role previously served by Jay Troger, who has announced his resignation as president of the company.
"Jamie recognized the importance of waterfree technologies early on, and was instrumental in the founding of this company," said Marc Nathanson, Chairman of Falcon Waterfree Technologies. "His success in taking new products to international markets is evident in the fact that Falcon Waterfree is the most widely installed brand of waterfree urinal in the world."
Krug has served as president of Falcon's International division for the past three years, and as the corporate President prior to the creation of the United States and Canadian division.
For more than 20 years, Krug has led senior operations and business affairs in positions with Paramount Pictures Corporation and the Walt Disney Company. He also formed a television and theatrical distribution company with the Walt Disney family. Prior to joining Falcon, he was Of Counsel to the law firm Berger, Kahn, Shafton, and Moss. Krug received his undergraduate degree from UCLA and his J.D. from Loyola Law School.
Ron Gastelum has been a member of the Falcon Waterfree Board of Advisors since May 2005, and has been elevated to chairman of the board of advisors.
"Water resource management is a critical global issue that demands creative solutions, leadership, and a commitment to doing the right things. Ron Gastelum is a highly respected leader who has delivered successful solutions throughout 30 years in public water management and continues to demonstrate his commitment by accepting this new role," Nathanson stated.
Gastelum is the retired president and CEO of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the nation's largest water wholesaler. During his tenure at MWD, he led the diversification of regional water supply resources with the development of new programs for large water transfer, groundwater banking, reclaimed water, and conservation. This was during a period of extended drought conditions, a statewide energy crisis, and an expected but nonetheless challenging reduction in Southern California's Colorado River water rights that was caused by an adverse court decision in the 1960s. Gastelum is also an attorney with extensive experience in both the public and private sectors, focusing on corporate and environmental matters. His environmental practice has emphasized public water supply and waste management.
Falcon Waterfree Technologies ( is the world leader for waterfree urinals. The company was formed to promote conservation of the Earth's limited water supply and to support sustainable resource management. Falcon products are in use around the world, in facilities from stadiums and arenas, to schools and universities, airports and every type of commercial and institutional facility.