LONDON, April 18, 2005 (PRNewswire) -- In recognition of its contributions to advancing secure Internet based supervisory and control data acquisition (SCADA) systems, Axeda has been named the recipient of the Frost & Sullivan 2005 Excellence in Technology Award for the industrial automation software market.
The company's innovative software suite called Axeda® SupervisorTM 9.0 -- an Internet-based SCADA system -- effectively addressees the challenge that security breaches pose to the use of Internet-based control and monitoring systems in industrial plants.
"Axeda device relationship management (DRM), which is built on the Company's patented Firewall-FriendlyTM technology, is used by Axeda Supervisor to allow users access to plant data on a real-time basis in an easy, inexpensive and secure way," elaborates Frost & Sullivan research analyst Amreetha Vijayakumar. "The inadequacies of current remote-access technologies mean that critical data could be intercepted and modified or lost in transit. Axeda's DRM system, however, ensures end-to-end security."
A triple data encryption system (3DES) secure socket layer (SSL) protocol encrypts and prevents interception of transmitted plant or process data. At the users' end, the deployment of a lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) corporate directory helps authenticate the users identity when the data is actually accessed.
The Axeda Supervisor has the potential to successfully meet the needs of the automation sector, particularly in the areas of industrial process, water & wastewater, power & energy, manufacturing automation, and cooling & refrigeration. Managing these complex processes requires a secure but easy-to-use automation control system that avoids the possibility of information getting 'trapped' in the automation system.
In this regard, Axeda Supervisor incorporates an HMI/SCADA software component, Wizcon (version 9.0), which captures vital information, and supports the plant to directly connect to management. Moreover, the advanced Wizcon 9.0 allows multiple users to access a system (with different access rights assigned by an administrator).
The Axeda Supervisor software suite also integrates with Axeda DRM applications to allow End Users to monitor remote assets in real time, to collect information from heterogeneous control and supervisory systems distributed geographically for centralized asset management, to manage alarms, visualization, control and traceability, and to provide integration with other business systems (CMMS, CRM, ERP...).
To ease adoption of its DRM-based solutions in the Automation markets, Axeda has recently launched a series of Hosted Services. With just a few mouse-clicks from any Internet browser, anytime and anywhere, Axeda Hosted Services enable control, management and support for automation applications quickly, safely, and in real time. Key benefits include Real-time Performance Management (RPM), maximized uptime and performance, improved process quality, increased equipment efficiency, regulatory compliance... all in real time. These subscription-based services are provided in ASP mode requiring no capital investment in hardware or software, and no IT infrastructure.
In presenting Axeda with the 2005 Excellence in Technology Award, therefore, Frost & Sullivan commends the recipient's overall technical excellence and its commitment towards technology innovation. In particular, the award honors Axeda Systems for its success in developing truly innovative DRM-based solutions -- Axeda Supervisor and Axeda Hosted Services - with the potential of revolutionizing the automation software market.
Frost & Sullivan Awards are presented to companies that demonstrate best practices in their industry, commending the diligence, commitment, and innovative business strategies required to advance in the global marketplace. The firm rigorously analyzes specific criteria to determine award recipients in a broad spectrum of market industries and landscapes.
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