LOS ANGELES, April 27, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- A series of 12 workshop sessions for teachers sponsored by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is underway this spring as an educational partnership program between the City utility and the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).
Four different types of workshop sessions, covering basic electricity, renewable energy, water science and the history, supply, quality and conservation of water, are being held this spring at four LAUSD Math, Science and Technology Centers located in Van Nuys, North Hollywood, Mar Vista and San Pedro.
"The purpose of the workshop series is to help teachers enhance student learning. This spring we are emphasizing Basic Electricity, one of the key subjects covered in the first state mandated tests in science at the elementary school level," said LADWP General Manager Ronald Deaton.
The workshops provide teachers not only hands-on lesson materials that they can present to their students the next day, but also session presenters demonstrate the best methods to convey lessons in the most effective manner.
Workshop presenters are either current classroom teachers or retired teachers with expertise in science.
Under the partnership arrangement, LADWP funds the costs of the lesson materials and presenters with LAUSD providing the workshop sites, salary point credit for participating teachers and assistance in communicating information to teachers and schools about the program and schedule.
The LADWP Workshop Series is coordinated with LAUSD Instructional Services Office that manages the District's Math, Science and Technology Centers, sites of the instructional series. These centers sponsor additional workshop series and also provide materials and lessons that teachers can check out or use to enhance student learning.
The LADWP Workshop Series has been provided on an ongoing basis for more than 15 years and has assisted hundreds of teachers in public, private and parochial schools throughout the city of Los Angeles and Los Angeles Unified School District areas.
The specific workshop schedule, session descriptions and application can be accessed by logging on to: www.ladwp.com/ladwp/cms/ladwp004782.jsp?
The Teacher Workshop Series is part of the LADWP Educational Partnership Program that also includes the Science Bowl, Adopt-A-School Program and Youth Service Academy. Further information about LADWP education programs can be received by logging on to the utility's website and click on the community and safety section.
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (www.ladwp.com) is the nation's largest municipally owned utility. It has provided utility services to residents and businesses of the City for more than a century.