LONDON, May 3, 2005 (GNN) -- WaterVoice Central will discuss Severn Trent's plans to tackle sewer flooding problems when it meets at the Birmingham Conservatoire on May 12, according to a news release from the watchdog organization issued by the Government News Network.
During the recent U.K. Office of Water Services (Ofwat) review of price limits and investment programs for the water industry for the next five years, WaterVoice Central argued that removing the risk of customers' homes flooding with sewage should be a higher priority. Severn Trent will brief the local watchdog on its plans to deliver the resulting program at the meeting in Birmingham.
Sir James Perowne, WaterVoice Central's Chairman said: "We are keen to hear Severn Trent's plans to carry out this part of their investment program, in order to ensure maximum benefit to customers."
He added: "Sewer flooding must be the worst experience a water customer can have, and the Committee considers the resolution of sewer flooding problems to be of the highest priority. WaterVoice Central will continue to make every effort to focus attention on tackling this issue."
Representatives from South Staffordshire Water, the Environment Agency and Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) will also be present. There will be a public participation section of the meeting, to allow members of the public the opportunity to raise any concerns and issues with the water companies, the Environment Agency, DWI or the committee.
The meeting will take place at the Birmingham Conservatoire, Paradise Place, Birmingham, England, at 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 12.
WaterVoice ( provides a strong and independent voice for all customers of water and sewerage companies in England and Wales. It operates through nine regional committees in England and a committee for Wales. They represent the interests of customers in respect of price, service and value for money; they also investigate complaints from customers about their water company. Ten WaterVoice committee chairmen form the WaterVoice Council, which along with subcommittees, deal with issues at national and European levels. WaterVoice Central is the statutory Ofwat Central Customer Service Committee, established under the 1991 Water Industry Act and responsible for representing the interests of customers of Severn Trent and South Staffordshire Water.