LITTLE RIVER, SC, May 12, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Integrated Environmental Technologies Ltd. of Little River, S.C., announced to its shareholders, during this morning's annual meeting, that the city of Myrtle Beach and South Carolina's Department of Health and Environmental Control have informed the company of the site selected for a pilot project utilizing EcaFloTM equipment for the production of anolyte solutions, for bacteria control and management in a stormwater application. The demonstration will concentrate on the oftentimes-high bacteria levels contained in stormwater run-off that can reach the beaches, and ultimately the Atlantic Ocean.
IEVM President and CEO, Bill Prince, commented, "The city of Myrtle Beach has always expressed its interest in investigating technologies that will improve the quality of life for its citizens and visitors. We are extremely appreciative to have this opportunity to demonstrate the efficacy of EcaFlo devices."
In addition, Integrated Environmental Technologies is concluding the grapevine application portion of its research agreement with local vineyard, La Belle Amie. Laboratory examination of vineyard cuttings and microbiological analysis of such will be performed by IEVM's research partner, Coastal Carolina University. Chuck Bell, operations director for La Belle Amie, stated, "The appearance of the new growth of the control group of grapevines that received irrigation with water alone, as compared to the grapevines that were irrigated with anolyte and water produced by EcaFlo equipment, is similar; however, the anolyte-treated plants appear to be thriving and we will look forward to seeing lab results that indicate if microbiological pathogens have been impacted."
The EcaFlo Division of Integrated Environmental Technologies Ltd. ( and its wholly owned operating subsidiary I.E.T. Inc. is licensed in the United States by Electro-Chemical Technologies Ltd. This division designs, markets, sells and assembles equipment under the EcaFlo name brand. This specially designed and built equipment produces reliable, environmentally friendly solutions, through the electro-chemical activation process (ECA), that effectively control bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms without harming the environment. IET's Essential Oils Extraction Division, through joint venture and other agreements with The Coach House Group, U.K./SPDG Naturol, brings to the U.S. market a new and environmentally-safe essential oils extraction process by which superior quality, high-value bioactive compounds are extracted from botanicals without the use of harmful chemicals, thermal degradation or extreme pressures.