Spectrum Micro Media Filters from Eco-Tec in use at oil processing facility.
Click here to enlarge imageMicro-media filtration was a major component used for both Liaohe oil fields projects. Spectrum Plus Micro Media Filters handle produced water containing total suspended solids up to 20 mg/L and total insoluable oil up to 20 mg/L. The filters are designed with two media layers, a course upper layer for large particle filtration, and a lower layer of very dense micro media. The media layering combined with the filter’s patented backwash process produces large quantities of high quality, reusable water.
The integrated system uses no chemicals, significantly less brine than other systems, and produces little or no waste. It requires up to 60% less space than other options, is compact and skid-mounted, and is fully tested prior to installation, all of which contribute to its economic and cost reduction advantages.
“Our systems are designed from the customer’s view. Each system is specifically engineered to address feed water quantity and quality as well as the intended water reuse within the facility. For the heavy oil industry, our approach in the market has been to concentrate on the efficiencies in our equipment and how that translates into problem-solving advantages and cost savings for oil producers,” said Eco-Tec President Mike Dejak.
Reliable, proven technology is key to effective recovery, purification, and the reuse of produced water. To date, development and implementation of advanced technology to purify produced water has been environmentally driven. Still, major financial benefits and an excellent return on investment are achievable by utilizing efficient and economical water treatment solutions.
Author’s Note:
Lisa Hausz is marketing manager for Eco-Tec Inc. Eco-Tec provides integrated technologies based on proprietary advanced ion exchange process, Recoflo®. The Pickering, Ontario, Canada company has provided more than 1,500 systems in over 52 countries. Contact: 905-427-0077, [email protected] or www.eco-tec.com