Proco Products, Inc. is the world’s largest and most respected supplier of Expansion Joints and Rubber Duckbill check valves. Our latest contribution to the industry is our Series 700 ProFlex® check valve series.
Benefits of the ProFlex® Valve include greatly reduced operational costs, prevention from animals or insects lodging or disturbing the flow of liquids from outfall pipes and easy opening which prevents flooding commonly associated with defective swing type valves.
Manufactured completely with top quality fungicide and barnacle resistant rubber, the 700 check valves are also available with NSF61 certified elastomers. They are also a “zero maintenance” valve with a simple design that allows effluent to force the two opposing rubber lips apart permitting flow, yet quickly closes preventing the return of effluent or slurries.
The ProFlex® 700 valves continue to provide full port flow while 100 percent bubble tight on return flow/back pressure. The newest development is the inline 790 Series valve, with the industry’s lowest head pressure to open and still ensuring a virtually full port design. Available in sizes from 50mm- 2500mm, the 790 also has the option of a flanged end easily fixed to an existing head wall.