Cooling towers cool the recirculating water in a system through the evaporation of the water. Evaporation concentrates the dissolved and suspended solids in the cooling water, leading to the potential for scaling and solids buildup in the cooling tower and cooling circuit. To avoid these problems, the make-up water to the cooling tower must be treated and a small amount continuously purged to prevent scaling and solids build-up in the cooling tower. Cooling tower make-up water is treated to remove hardness, silica, suspended solids, and in some cases, organics.
Intake Screening Technologies
Water screens for power plants need to survive the extremely corrosive environment and it is important for power producers to consider the screen's design. Traveling water screens take many forms, from simple to more sophisticated automated screens that have self cleaning features. Some are designed as coarse screens for removing large floating debris like sticks, trash and plastic; fine screens are able to remove finer suspended materials. Some are configured to safely prevent fish from entering water intake systems.
Boiler Feedwater Treatment Technologies
Power plants use deionized water as make-up to high pressure boilers, for producing steam to drive turbines and generate electricity. The quality of the boiler feedwater depends on the boiler type and pressure. Any hardness contaminants can precipitate directly on the boiler and form scale, which affects the performance. The conventional means of purifying boiler feed water has been to use clarification and filtration processes to treat the raw water for removal of physical impurities, and chemically regenerated ion-exchange deionization for the removal of dissolved ions.
Over the past decade, the global power industry has witnessed a technology shift in the entire boiler feed water treatment. Ultrafiltration (UF) membranes are used as a physical and verifiable barrier to remove suspended solids, which protects and extends the life of the downstream equipment and also accounts for the seasonal changes and variations in source water. Secondly, reverse osmosis (RO) is used as a roughing demineralizer to remove the bulk of the mineral, organic and particulate contaminants and reduce the chemical consumption of the polishing ion exchangers. Improvements in electrodeionization technology have caused a movement towards chemical-free deionization systems.
Condensate Polishing Technology
Condensate polishing treatment is a key technology required for the recycling of the condensed water within the steam turbine loop.