SAN ANTONIO, April 4, 2016 -- SAWS Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) reached its highest storage milestone ever this week, surpassing 100,000 acre-feet (about 33 billion gallons) of water available for future use.
For reference, this amount would fill 333 Alamodomes, and represents almost half of the SAWS total potable water distributed in 2014 -- 212,851 acre-feet.
SAWS ASR is a large underground reservoir developed to store water during wet, or low-use times, and to be returned into the distribution system during our hot Texas summers.
By using an underground storage approach, it also allows for land directly above the site to continue its prior agricultural use.
“While this facility is rarely in the limelight – which is not surprising because it’s below ground and out of sight – this milestone truly is a reason to celebrate,” said Donovan Burton, SAWS vice president of Water Resources & Governmental Relations. “This stored water is the reason we’ve been able to stay out of deeper drought restrictions during recent years.”
The Twin Oaks Aquifer Storage and Recovery facility is a key component of the SAWS 50-Year Water Supply Plan. SAWS began injecting water into the ASR in June 2004. It was the first major project funded by SAWS customers through the Water Supply Fee. The facility is located on 3,200 acres in south Bexar County owned by SAWS.
“ASR has far exceeded our expectations,” continued Burton. “This water source is the model for the rest of the state and is the cornerstone of the regional solution for the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan.”