RJN Group to design drainage relief system for Dallas Public Works
DALLAS, TX — Engineering consulting firm RJN Group Inc. was selected to perform drainage analysis and design for the Wynnewood Village shopping center in the City of Dallas. The scope of the project includes drainage analysis and design for approximately 1,100 linear feet of 10’ x 8’ box culvert; 2,300 linear feet of 8’ x 8’ box culvert; 1,850 linear feet of 21-inch to 39-inch storm sewer; and other miscellaneous items to update the storm sewer system. In addition, approximately 180 linear feet of 8-inch water line will be replaced.
Association reports enormous growth of rainwater harvesting across U.S.
AUSTIN, TX — The nation’s interest in “green” living and “green” jobs is continuing to fuel the growth of the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA), a national non-profit that educates people on how to use rainwater harvesting systems and conserve water. During the past three years, ARCSA’s membership has grown rapidly from 256 members to over 700 as of September 2009.
“The recent droughts in California, Washington, Georgia, and Texas have increased awareness about the impact water shortages can have nationwide,” said newly-elected ARCSA president E.W. “Bob” Boulware, P.E., of Indiana. “People want to know what they can do to save water and ARCSA appears to be in the right place at the right time to help.”
At its September national conference, ARCSA elected a new board that’s preparing itself for future growth by expanding its services to members nationwide.
For more information about ARCSA, visit www.ARCSA.org.
CrystalStream Technologies names new business development manager
LAWRENCEVILLE, GA — CrystalStream Technologies announced that Jeffrey Benty has joined the company as Business Development Manager. Benty will assume responsibility for the oversight of the CrystalStream Sales and Marketing.
“We are very pleased to have someone of Jeffrey’s caliber, with his extensive marketing, management and sales experience, join CrystalStream Technologies,” said John Moll, Chief Executive Officer. “As we continue our focus on market expansion, expanding on our product availability, and market visibility, Jeffrey’s expertise in the stormwater industry will help to make the CrystalStream product line available in every state.”
Benty comes to CrystalStream with a successful history of sales and marketing in the stormwater industry. He was previously responsible for global growth of a competitive product that he helped to expand into international markets.
Turner completes largest green roof in state of Kentucky
NEW YORK, NY — Turner Construction Company has completed the largest privately-owned vegetative roof in the state of Kentucky for the American Life and Accident Insurance Company of Kentucky atop the firm’s corporate headquarters building in Louisville.
Turner’s work on the Green Roof project included the installation of native species sedum mats with three test beds provided by Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest. The test beds are part of a study by Bernheim to identify plants that will excel as living roofs in the Midwest and may even help preserve indigenous plants by placing them on green roofs. The roof will also reduce stormwater runoff and will reduce heating and cooling needs.
Malibu launches Legacy Park construction
MALIBU, CA — The city of Malibu has launched the construction of its much-anticipated Legacy Park Project, the centerpiece of the city’s more than $50 million commitment to clean water.
“Legacy Park is going to act as Malibu’s environmental cleaning machine,” said Mayor Andy Stern. “It will reduce pollution from stormwater, improve the city’s water quality and allow residents to enjoy the health and recreation benefits of an open space area and a clean ocean that everyone should have at their fingertips.”
Legacy Park will transform 15 acres in the heart of Malibu into a central park that will capture more than two million gallons per day of stormwater and urban runoff that flow from the surrounding watershed so it can be cleaned, disinfected and recycled. The project will also restore and develop important riparian habitat and create an open space area for passive recreation and environmental education. In addition, it will provide a living learning center for six coastal habitats.
Legacy Park is scheduled to be completed by October 2010.
Nutrient-removal technology approved for Chesapeake Bay cleanup
ROCKVILLE, MD — The SorbtiveFILTER from Imbrium Systems has received approval from the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for stand-alone stormwater quality treatment throughout the state, including in the environmentally-vulnerable Chesapeake Bay region.
SorbtiveFILTER incorporates Imbrium’s oxide-coated SorbtiveMEDIA to provide stormwater treatment with phosphorus removal capabilities — including dissolved phosphorus, a major cause of the algae blooms and reduced dissolved oxygen that threatens the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Rigorous field testing showed that SorbtiveFILTER captures 89% of sediment, 78% of total phosphorus, and an unprecedented 44% of dissolved phosphorus from stormwater runoff.
SorbtiveFILTER and SorbtiveMEDIA have received other key reviews and approvals, including an in-depth review from the Massachusetts Stormwater Evaluation Project and numerous other approvals in Virginia, where phosphorus is the primary pollutant of concern.
Washington LID decision pushes stormwater management to new level
BRIGHTON, MI — A recent decision in a Washington state lawsuit ruling that makes low-impact development (LID) mandatory in order to obtain phase 1 permit planning will now push new stormwater practices into development. This requirement mandating LID through a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System is the first of its kind, and other states may soon follow.
“Stormwater run-off is a major problem affecting the water quality of streams, rivers and lakes,” explained Joe Miskovich, president of Triton Stormwater Solutions. In order to meet LID regulations, he explained, there is a need for products that allow developers to maintain natural hydrology and not negatively impact the environment around their site. With systems such as Triton’s, potentially harmful run-off can be collected and stored underground, protecting the environment without the wasted space, cost and liability of a traditional retention pond and leaving natural green space.
Former CH2M HILL CEO, chairman passes away
DENVER, CO — Ralph R. Peterson passed away Sept. 1 at his home in Denver, after a long battle with cancer. Peterson joined CH2M HILL in 1965 as its 148th employee. From 1991 through 2008 he served as the firm’s chief executive officer.
“It is with great sadness that I share the news that our dear friend Ralph Peterson has passed away,” said CH2M HILL President and Chief Executive Officer Lee McIntire. “He was great man and industry icon. His passion, dedication and leadership built CH2M HILL into the place that I am so proud of today. I will miss his passion and desire to help others succeed. Our thoughts are with his wife Betty, their family and many friends around the world.”
Widely viewed as a sustainable development thought leader in the engineering and construction industry, Peterson led the employee-owned CH2M HILL for 18 years, growing it to a $6 billion global engineering, construction and program management enterprise.
Throughout his impressive career, Peterson was honored with numerous industry and professional awards for his commitment to the profession and community service.
EPA proposes modifications to NPDES general permit for construction site discharges
WASHINGTON, DC — All ten EPA regions are proposing for public comment a modification to the 2008 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permits for stormwater discharges associated with construction activity. The change would extend the expiration date of the permit by one year.
The 2008 Construction General Permit (CGP) was originally issued for a period not to exceed two years. EPA wants to extend the two-year term of the 2008 CGP by one year so that it expires on June 30, 2011, instead of June 30, 2010. If EPA finalizes this action, the 2008 CGP will be in effect for a period of three years. By federal law, no NPDES permit may be issued for a period that exceeds five years.
Comments on EPA’s proposal, including the draft permit, must be postmarked by November 18, 2009. If you would like to comment, visit the Federal Docket Management System (FDMS) at www.Regulations.gov and enter Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2008-0238 in the Search Box under “Comment or Submission.”