Water Renewal Replaces Wastewater in Rebranding Process for Colorado Facility

April 17, 2018
On April 20, the Littleton/Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant will become the South Platte Water Renewal Partners (SPWRP) as part of a rebranding process that also included the creation of a new mission, vision, values and logo.

“The new name and logo represent the future of the organization and our role in the stewardship of the South Platte watershed,” said plant director John Kuosman. “We are very excited to communicate our strategic direction and build awareness of our guiding values.”

The rebranding process, led by Slate Communications, a branding consultant hired to support the efforts, involved 11 months of stakeholder interviews, staff work sessions and community outreach. Slate identified several themes throughout the process and staff used the information to draft a new mission statement and vision statement.

“Our new mission to sustainably protect and recover our communities’ vital resources speaks to the important role we serve in the protection of the environment,” Kuosman said. “We want the public to know this is a driving force for everything we do. The quality of the South Platte watershed is essential to the success of our economy and existence of local wildlife.”

A water drop was chosen as the main shape of the revised logo to communicate that water is a limited and precious resource and the conveying element for household and industry “waste.” Within the water drop are the “resources” that are recovered during the water renewal process. The resources are reused for the benefit of rate-payers and the environment.

Through the water renewal process a valued soil amendment is produced that is used in eastern Colorado to support sustainable dry-land farming practices. This resource is symbolized by the green “row of crops” in the lower left corner of the drop.

The renewed water is returned to the South Platte River which supports recreation, aquatic-life health, agriculture, industry, and drinking water. This resource is symbolized by the blue band stretching across the drop.

Efficient processes at the facility minimize energy waste and proactively treat odors generated through the processes which have a positive impact on the region’s air quality. This resource is symbolized by the green “air stream” that bridges the river and mountains.
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The new logo evolved from the previous version by including the mountains and river. The mountains and river represent vitality (human health, recreational opportunities, and a thriving economy) living on the Front Range on the banks of the South Platte River.

As for the name, it was very initial in its design as well. Littleton and Englewood were the original partners and investors in the development of the Bi-City Plant and thus staff decided to honor that partnership and ownership by including partners in the name.

It represents the innovation and initiative of the two cities’ willingness to partner then, now and in the future to sustainability conserve the community’s vital resources while being fiscally responsible and stewards of the South Platte River.

The wastewater industry is moving beyond just “treating” water. No longer does the industry view the byproducts of cleaning water as waste, rather there is value in harvesting viable resources (such as energy and nutrients) that will serve communities for generations to come. Changing “wastewater treatment” to “water renewal” more accurately describes the process. The water that is renewed is added back into a delicate system for many important community uses.

“This is a new era for the water renewal industry with more stringent regulations coming online and increased pressure to provide services more sustainably and fiscally responsible,” said Jenifer Doane, deputy director of business administration and communications. “Our new brand better tells this story and our innovative approach to meet this challenge head-on.”

“South Platte” is the “who” in the new name. By using South Platte, the new name is more inclusive of all the communities served by the Cities of Littleton and Englewood, and speaks to the plant’s physical location in the South Platte watershed.

“More importantly, it solidifies our commitment to “collaboration” (a core value) and the health of the South Platte River,” said Kuosman. “South Platte communicates our vision of being a regional partner in the effort to protect and recover our communities’ vital resources.”

SPWRP is the third largest water renewal facility in the state of Colorado. It cleans nearly 24 million gallons of wastewater a day. Renewed water is returned to the South Platte watershed in compliance with state and federal quality standards where it is used for recreation, municipal purposes, and agriculture.

“By serving as a steward of one of Colorado’s most valuable rivers, we will not only be fulfilling our mission but enhancing community vitality. To be successful in this endeavor however we must work with others within the basin. We alone cannot protect the South Platte, but we can be courageous leaders in the effort to do so,” Kuosman added.

In celebration of the rebranding, SPWRP is hosting a Community Open House event on Wed., June 6, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the main facility located at 2900 S. Platte River Drive in Englewood. More information is available online at www.spwaterrenewalpartners.org.


Jenifer Doane
Deputy Director | Manger of Business Admin. & Communications
[email protected]

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