TORONTO, Canada, Oct. 22, 2001 — In response to heightened public concerns about the possible spread of water borne diseases by bio terrorists, Ozolutions Inc. today announced that if anthrax were introduced into a water supply, the anthrax bacteria could be effectively destroyed by ozone treatment.
Ozone is a most powerful disinfecting agent because it is able to rupture cell membranes very easily and is 52% more powerful than chlorine.
Ozone disinfects bacteria like anthrax and E. coli, viruses such as polio and protozoa like cryptosporidium and giardia. Unlike chlorine, ozone leaves no harmful and persistent residue in the environment and has a very short half-life (on the order of minutes in water) with simple oxygen as the only remaining decomposition product.
Ozolutions Inc. is a Toronto based distributor of the proven ozone technology of Hankin Ozone Systems Ltd., a long established firm with ozone treatment installations around the world. Ozolutions Inc. was chosen by Hankin to introduce Hankin's new individual home water treatment system in the Province of Ontario.
The EntrOzone offers multi barrier protection combining ozone, ultra violet, adsorption and filtration technologies to combat not only bacteria, viruses and protozoa but a number of potentially toxic chemicals and dissolved organic compounds.
EntrOzone is a Point-of-Entry system that treats all the water entering the home ensuring that individual homeowners dependent on private water supplies (wells or surface water) can have a reliable and safe water supply for all household uses. Ozolutions believes that the EntrOzone will allow the company to capitalize on growing public demand for home systems that can offer protection against the widest possible range of water borne contaminents.