MADRID, Spain, May 27, 2011 -- Spanish firm Cadagua has received a letter of intent for a reverse osmosis desalination facility in the Jorf Lasfar industrial complex in Morocco, 100km south of Casablanca.
The proposed 75,800 m3/day facility contract from Moroccan society OCP (Office Chérifien des Phosphates), is worth €60 million and will include the design, manufacture, supply, construction, installation, testing and commissioning of the desalination plant.
Pre-treatment will comprise dissolved air flotation and ultra-filtration and the contract will also include two future expansions planned by OCP, to obtain a final production of 222,200 m3/day.
Cadagua has previously been involved in two previous projects in North Africa (Jerba and Zarzis) but this is the company's first contract in Morocco.