ST. LOUIS, MO, Mar. 25, 2009 -- ESCO Technologies Inc. announced the City of Tallahassee, Florida, has selected Aclara for a system-wide implementation of Aclara Software Inc.'s Meter Data Management System (MDMS) and ENERGYprism® (EP) AMI software applications. Aclara will partner with Honeywell Utility Solutions, the AMI project's prime contractor, to deploy these systems.
Under the contract, valued in excess of $5 million, Aclara will provide licensed software applications as well as software maintenance for Tallahassee's 240,000 electric, water and gas metering devices.
Aclara's MDMS and EP software applications were chosen jointly by Tallahassee, Honeywell, and the project's consultant, Enspiria Solutions, to support its AMI implementation. Aclara's data management and customer-care solutions will manage daily and interval meter data and facilitate communications between the utility and its customers.
Additional Aclara software solutions will perform advanced load forecasting, revenue assurance assessments, and AMI-enabled load and rate analytics. Working with Tallahassee's AMI system, Aclara's MDMS will facilitate demand response and price responsive rate programs, which promote energy conservation. MDMS allows the City to offer proactive, personalized communications to its customers through e-mail, telephone, and in-home display devices. These communications will inform customers about daily consumption patterns, billings-to-date, critical peak demand events, and other customer service information.
Aclara's ENERGYprism web-based applications let customers see how they are using electricity, gas, and water by allowing customers to analyze their bills, compare a home's resource consumption to that of similar size homes, and offer personalized conservation recommendations tied to specific dollar savings. Tallahassee's customer service representatives will have user interfaces tailored specifically to help them utilize the AMI data to more effectively resolve customer inquiries.
"In addition to customer-facing analytics, the Aclara solutions empower customers and help them understand how they are using their energy resources, and more importantly, offer them energy saving opportunities," said Reese Goad, Utility Services Director for Tallahassee. "We can unlock the significant value of advanced metering data with online tools that allow our citizens to view their electric usage hourly and gas and water usage daily."
The City's commitment to Aclara's MDMS and customer-service applications is an indication that these solutions can add comparable business benefit to municipal, investor-owned, and cooperative utilities as well as their customers.
"At Aclara we believe that successful resource conservation efforts will hinge on the availability of information to utilities and customers that is both understandable and actionable," said Dave Zabetakis, General Manager of Aclara Software. "In this regard, Aclara offers a wide range of applications to gas, water, and electric utilities that allows them to understand how resources are being used and deployed."
ESCO, headquartered in St. Louis, is a proven supplier of special purpose utility solutions for electric, gas, and water utilities, including hardware and software to support advanced metering applications and fully automated intelligent instrumentation.