PARSONS, KS, Mar. 30, 2009 -- The Tank Connection Affiliate Group announced the release of their new line of elevated water tanks at their "grand opening" in Parsons, KS, on March 28th. Several hundred visitors attended, with visitors from across the U.S., Singapore and New Zealand to name a few.
TC Affiliates maintains five facilities throughout the U.S. focused entirely on storage tank fabrication and construction. TC Affiliates is the only tank manufacturer worldwide that manufactures and installs all four types of steel storage tanks including Bolted RTP (rolled, tapered panel), Field-Weld, Shop-Weld and Hybrid Tank construction for water and wastewater storage. Tank Connection is an industry leader in large elevated "dry bulk" storage applications and ground reservoirs for water and wastewater storage applications. Their release on elevated water tanks is focused on today's requirements for "expanded field performance" and "superior aesthetics" over conventional elevated tank designs.
"When a manufacturer offers all types of steel tank construction, your review becomes objective," according to Tank Connection President, Bill Neighbors. "Each type of construction has merits to review and consider. Today's market is changing with new technology that raises the bar in field performance significantly. Currently, elevated steel tanks are available with expanded coating warranties due to specialized (powder on powder) fusion coating systems. AKZO Nobel, the largest powder coat supplier worldwide has teamed up with Tank Connection to bring an exclusive fusion coating system into the marketplace. This proprietary coating system is called LIQ Fusion 7000 FBE™ system. It is so advanced, that extended coating warranties are offered for both the interior and exterior of the tank and the pedestal construction. Why settle for a one or two year warranty on a field-applied coating, when you can receive a ten year warranty on a thermal fusion system?"
Tank Connection offers over a dozen different elevated steel tank designs with an unlimited number of aesthetic add-on features. Although conventional water tank storage designs are also available, TC contends that many of the older elevated tank designs have become outdated compared to the smooth contour and pattern pedestal designs that are available.
As requested by consulting engineers, Tank Connection has established an innovative approach where the selection and review process for an elevated tank has been simplified:
• Select an "elevated water tank" style
• Select pedestal construction & height
• Select tank construction & capacity requirements
According to TC officials, this approach is the future of elevated storage tanks in North America and abroad. Consulting engineers and review boards can quickly review pricing on any style (water tank shape) desired, with any type of pedestal construction (field-weld, composite, bolted RTP, etc.) and installed at any location worldwide.
Tank Connection has "patent pending" bolted pedestal designs for elevated water storage tanks. We have expanded the size of elevated water storage tanks that are currently available by utilizing multiple pedestal designs. Our current sizes offered range from small (250,000 gallons) up to XL sizes (over 4 million gallons), which are the largest elevated water tank designs offered today, worldwide. TC promotes the functional performance of smooth and pattern pedestal designs in composite, field-weld or bolted RTP construction. In today's market, the preferred pedestal designs are composite and field-weld designs.
"We believe our bolted RTP pedestal is highly superior to the field-weld designs offered and is a practical alternative design compared to composite designs. Again, we manufacture and install all types of tank construction... so our review of what type of elevated design makes sense for a particular setting is based on an objective review, not product line limitations," stated Neighbors.
>> More information on Tank Connection