A monthly round-up of water-industry news from around the world.
• U.S.A. Ambiental joins MIOX as exclusive distributor in Colombia
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, USA, Sept. 9, 2009 -- MIOX Corporation, a leader in safe water disinfection, announces that U.S.A. Ambiental of Bogotá, Colombia, has joined MIOX as the exclusive distributor of its on-site generation products for industrial and municipal applications in the country of Colombia. U.S.A. Ambiental will distribute MIOX's full range of hypochlorite and mixed oxidant generating systems, including the new Vault™ self-cleaning system and the new high-efficiency oX-Cell™ electrolytic cell...
• Highlights from the Stockholm Water Week
Sept. 4, 2009 -- The European Water Partnership has compiled some highlights from this year's Stockholm World Water Week...
• Opal-RT Technologies announces major European expansion
MONTREAL, PQ, Canada, Sept. 1, 2009 -- Opal-RT Technologies Inc., a leading developer of open, PC-based Real-Time Simulators for electrical, mechanical and power electronic systems, announced that the company has reached an agreement in principle with Viveris Technologies of Paris, France, to jointly establish a European subsidiary...
• Global Water Partnership appoints new technical committee chair [.pdf]
Sept. 1, 2009 -- The Global Water Partnership (GWP) has appointed Dr. Mohamed Ait Kadi as the new GWP Technical Committee Chair, effective October 1, 2009. Dr. Ait Kadi is President of the General Council of Agricultural Development in Morocco. He is also Professor in the Department of Equipment and Hydraulics at the Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine Hassan II in Rabat, Morocco...
• Seccua expands into the China Market [.pdf]
Sept. 1, 2009 -- Seccua GmbH, a global technology leader in the field of standardized ultrafiltration systems for treating drinking water, is now delivering its ultrafiltration systems to China. With this step, Seccua is successfully entering the world's largest market for water treatment, an important step in achieving a global market presence...
• Water Expo China garners record support from Chinese government, international industry associations
Sept. 1, 2009 -- Water Expo China to be held 18-20 November 2009 at the Beijing Exhibition Centre, Beijing, is attracting record support from China's various government bodies and international industry associations. Organised by Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) and the Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society (CHES), the fair is the only one sponsored by China's Ministry of Water Resources and approved by the Ministry of Commerce...
• OGC India Forum established to advance geospatial standards in India
NEW DELHI, India, Sept. 1, 2009 -- The India Forum of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) was recently chartered to provide government, academic, research and industry organizations in India with opportunities to learn about and discuss issues related to interoperability of geographic information involving OGC standards. The Forum seeks to promote interoperability and create synergy between the various producers and users of geographic information and geomatics products and services in India...
• Countdown to Copenhagen: Future melts away as climate talks stall
WASHINGTON, DC, USA, Aug. 29, 2009 -- Greenpeace has placed ice sculptures of 100 children at the Temple of Earth in Beijing today, symbolizing the disappearing future of the more than 1 billion people in Asia who are threatened with water shortages by the changing climate...
• Chevron continues PR campaign to mask human rights abuses in Ecuador
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA, Aug. 27, 2009 -- Chevron, a company facing widespread criticism by many Bay Area organizations for human rights abuses and environmental destruction, is the primary sponsor of CompassPoint's "Nonprofit Day." CompassPoint Nonprofit Services is a consulting, research, and training organization, that provides tools to the very same non-profits fighting the likes of Chevron. Chevron's donation is the latest in a string of good-will gestures intended in deflecting attention from a $27 billion dollar lawsuit in Ecuador...
• HELCOM achieves another decrease in the number of illicit oil spills in the Baltic
HELSINKI, Finland, Aug. 24, 2009 -- The number of deliberate, illegal oil discharges from ships annually observed by national surveillance planes, as well as satellites over the Baltic Sea area has decreased by more than 10% over the past year, and by more than 55% since 1999, according to a HELCOM study released in Helsinki...
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>> HELCOM Interactive web-based GIS maps service now updated
>> Latvia wins HELCOM trophy
>> HELCOM wins Swedish Baltic Sea Water Award
• Found Nemo
Aug. 20, 2009 -- Scottish Water operator, Jake Huey rushed to the rescue, when Nemo was unusually found -- at the Philipshill Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW). It was nearly a sorry tail, with the little fish about to breathe its last gasp, inadvertently flushed down the toilet and about to meet its fin-ale. Jake found the creature when routinely cleaning screens at the East Kilbride site. Quick thinking he grabbed the goldfish and sprinted for the treatment building, where he set up an emergency tank, saving the little creature, which has now been nicknamed 'Pooh'...
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• ENVIRON acquires Brazilian consultancy ARQUIPÉLAGO
Aug. 19, 2009 -- ENVIRON Holdings Inc. has announced the acquisition of ARQUIPÉLAGO Engenharia Ambiental Ltda., resulting in the firm's first offices in Latin America. Effective immediately, ARQUIPÉLAGO will conduct business as ENVIRON ARQUIPÉLAGO...
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