OCEANSIDE, CA, June 25, 2009 -- Hydranautics - A Nitto Denko Company has become the first US-based membrane manufacturer to join The Climate Registry and commit to report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in this important public forum. The Climate Registry is a nonprofit organization that sets consistent and transparent standards to calculate, verify and report GHG emissions.
Nitto Denko/Hydranautics joins more than 331 major companies, cities, government and non-governmental agencies that have committed to tracking and making public their greenhouse gas emissions through the registry. Other Climate Registry members of note include Los Alamos National Laboratory, the United States Postal Service, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., Tetra Tech, Subaru Automotive, Alcoa, Shell Oil Company, Malcolm Pirnie and Virgin America.
By joining the Climate Registry, Nitto Denko/Hydranautics establishes a baseline for goal setting and improvement as they further their commitment to responsible environmental stewardship. Nitto Denko/Hydranautics will report accurate and recognized emissions data as a member of The Climate Registry on an annual basis as they measure and manage their emissions and carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction goals.
Nitto Denko Corporation and Hydranautics together form the industry leader for membrane development with a focus on unique surface coatings.