DENVER, CO, Dec. 4, 2009 -- Charity Navigator, America's leading charity evaluator, has awarded Water For People its highest rating of four stars for the seventh consecutive year. This award is reserved for charities that demonstrate the highest levels of operational excellence and fiscal management.
Only 2% of the 5,000+ charities rated by Charity Navigator have achieved the remarkable feat of earning this award for seven or more consecutive years. With this exceptional designation, based on 2008 fiscal performance, Water For People again demonstrates to supporters that the organization is transparent, accountable, and trustworthy.
"Charity Navigator provides an important service to donors looking for independent verification of a charity's fiscal effectiveness. We are pleased to be recognized for our careful stewardship of donor dollars," says Ned Breslin, CEO of Water For People. "We look forward to continued recognition not only for our fiscal responsibility but also for the transformative field results we achieve in Africa, Asia, and Latin America."
One of the key metrics used in Charity Navigator's rating process is the functional allocation of resources, as measured by the percentage of revenues used for program expenses as opposed to administrative and fundraising expenses. As measured by this standard, Water For People has always achieved the highest rankings.
Charity Navigator plans to expand the ratings system beyond one based purely on financial factors into one that also measures accountability and outcomes. According to a recent public blog written by Charity Navigator president & CEO Ken Berger, "The most critical dimension in evaluating a nonprofit has to do with achieving meaningful results."
Breslin supports Charity Navigator's new direction. "Meaningful results in the water and sanitation sector can only be measured by whether water is flowing, toilets are being used, and people are paying for their services long after we have finished our work in a particular village. Water For People is well placed to maintain its high standing because we value and invest in programmatic monitoring, allowing us to understand how donor dollars are impacting people's lives. We are committed to providing lasting water and sanitation services in the most effective and sustainable manner," he explains. "We believe that our focus on programmatic outcomes verified by annual monitoring visits, along with our financial strength and accountability translates into the highest level of service for the people we support around the world and our donors."
About Water For People
Founded in 1991, Water For People is a Denver-based private, nonprofit international humanitarian organization that supports the development of sustainable safe drinking water resources and improved sanitation facilities in developing countries. The nongovernmental organization is distinguished by its focus on local private sector development, interorganization collaboration, social entrepreneurship, and the engagement of stakeholders, which combine together to achieve sustainability. The organization has active water, sanitation, and hygiene education programs in 10 countries in Africa, Asia, and Central and South America. Water For People is a charity of choice of the American water and wastewater community. For more information, visit