Annual fundraiser is 'smashing' success for WaterAid

July 16, 2009
July 16, 2009 -- Hydro International is celebrating a 'smashing' success after its third annual thrills-and-spills team challenge, 'It's a Knockout', played host to a record number of teams and raised over £5,000 for WaterAid...

July 16, 2009 -- Hydro International is celebrating a 'smashing' success after its third annual thrills-and-spills team challenge, 'It's a Knockout', played host to a record number of teams and raised over £5,000 for WaterAid.

ARC Energy Resources was crowned this year's winner.Despite torrential rain in the morning 17 teams of employees, suppliers and business partners battled for a place in the grand final. The sun finally came out, just in time to see ARC Energy Resources crowned this year's winner, taking home the coveted Tap Trophy from Total Ltd.

In last place, taking home the even more coveted loser's wooden bucket from CPM Ltd, was Hanson Quarry Products Ltd. The event, held in Clevedon, was sponsored by Micro Drainage and Frankische.

"This years' 'It's a Knockout' has been a great success and we have raised a significant amount of money for a very important cause. I want to say a big thank you to everyone involved on what was not only a fun, but extremely worthwhile day," said Chris Williams, Chief Operating Officer for Hydro International.

Hydro's contribution to WaterAid will help 19,000 people across rural areas of Mali gain access to the life-saving provisions of water, sanitation and hygiene education through a specific program of work.

In Mali, access to water is a daily struggle; people in rural villages can walk as much as seven hours a day to find water in the dry season and this increasing water scarcity is further compounded by severe poverty.

More than eight million Malians do not have access to adequate sanitation, which has lasting impacts on their health. Water and sanitation related diseases are the first and third most common cause of death respectively, contributing to the fact that more than three and a half million people in Mali will not survive past the age of 40.

Despite torrential rain in the morning 17 teams of employees, suppliers and business partners battled for a place in the grand final.Plans for next years' 'It's a Knockout' are already well underway with the fun and wacky fundraising day to be held on Saturday 5 June 2010.

>> Click here for a fundraising report and full details of the events
>> More information about WaterAid

Hydro International, which has offices in the UK, USA and Ireland, provides cost‑effective solutions for controlling the quantity and improving the quality of water with minimal maintenance.

WaterAid enables the world's poorest people to gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education. Our vision is of a world where everyone has access to these basic human rights which underpin health, education and livelihoods forming the first, essential step in overcoming poverty.


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