PARIS, France, Apr. 21, 2009 -- The public company Canal Isabel II, which is in charge of water services in the Madrid area, has awarded a contract for the management of Spain's biggest wastewater treatment plant (in terms of daily flows treated) to a consortium headed by Veolia Water. It covers the operation and maintenance of the "South" plant, the main treatment plant for Madrid.
The four-year contract, which has a two-year extension clause, is worth cumulative revenue of approximately €16.4 million for Veolia Water.
The facility treats the wastewater for an equivalent population of close to 3 million and has a maximum capacity of 560,000 cubic meters per day. Contributing to sustainable development, the plant is equipped with a sludge digestion unit that uses cogeneration to produce 18,500 MWh of electricity per year to supply all of the plant's own needs.
This is the second operation and maintenance contract to be awarded to Veolia Water by Madrid's public company.
"This latest contract strengthens Veolia Water's position in the Spanish market," said Antoine Frérot, Chief Executive Officer of Veolia Water. "It demonstrates our capacity to respond to the main concerns of major cities in Europe and around the world. In a country that is particularly sensitive to returning its water resources to good ecological status, there is a need to protect water quality, combat pollution and encourage environmental balance. Wastewater treatment is a major issue."
Veolia Water, the water division of Veolia Environnement, is a world leader in water and wastewater services. Specialized in outsourcing services for municipal authorities, as well as industrial and service companies, it is also one of the world's major designers of technological solutions and constructor of facilities needed in water and wastewater services.