PORTLAND, OR, May 27, 2009 -- Water Surface Pressure Gradient (WSPG) is a hydraulic analysis model that computes and plots uniform and non-uniform steady flow water surface profiles and pressure gradients in open channels or closed conduits with irregular or regular sections. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LADPW) requires use of this model for hydraulic design.
In the past there have been two implementations of the WSPG: a public domain DOS program, and a menu-driven, non-graphical Windows interface.
In April 2009, the LADPW contracted with XP Software to update the WSPG hydraulic engine and embed that engine in a graphical user interface, namely our interface of xpswmm.
Once the contracted development is completed, users will have the ability to graphically lay out their graphic system, enter the relevant data, run the analysis and view graphical results. Further, they will be able to tie the hydraulic model to one of many hydrological models within xpswmm, most importantly the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Modified Rational (ModRat) model for flow generation.
In addition to the basic hydraulic and hydrological features within xpswmm, users will also have access to profile and cross section views, map output to CAD programs, a built-in Digital Terrain Map, and more.
At the Floodplain Managers Association (FMA) Conference in September 2009, The LADPW and XP Software will be presenting the new model and tools highlighting the productivity gains in the new graphical user environment to floodplain managers, consultants and more.
XP Software provides stormwater modeling software, wastewater modelling, hydraulic and hydrology software, SWMM software and 2d flood modeling.