SPRINGVILLE, UT, May 4, 2009 -- According to UNICEF's State of the World's Children report, only 41 percent of Cambodia's total population has access to safe water. Many families use water from small, open reservoirs, and tens of thousands of children die each year from unsanitary conditions.
The main solution to this problem is providing wells that draw clean, safe water. However, building reliable wells is expensive. In April 2008, Neways started raising funds to help build wells in Cambodia.
"Our goal as a company is to help people around the world create healthier homes for their families," said Neways CEO Eric Larsen. "We do this in numerous ways, including participating in worthwhile humanitarian projects that benefit people in less-prosperous circumstances."
To date, Neways has collected donations of more than 1,250,000 yen, and these funds have helped build 30 wells in common areas, making safe water available to everyone living in surrounding villages and settlements.
"This effort represents wonderful cooperation between the Neways Japan office and many of our independent distributors," said Larsen. Including 717,404 yen from distributors and 532,596 yen from Neways Japan, the company's initial donation was presented to Cambodian prince Sisowath Sirirath. Donations continue to be accepted at six Neways showrooms throughout Japan.
Known as the Safety-Conscious Company, Neways is dedicated to helping families transform their homes into Healthy Homes. With dozens of safe, effective nutritional and personal care products that are free of questionable ingredients, the company has strived since 1992 to make the world a healthier place, one home at a time.
In addition to providing exclusive products, Neways enhances people's lives with a home-based business opportunity. About half a million active Neways distributors share the products in 29 countries, with nearly half of the company's annual revenues paid back to distributors as commissions.