DENVER, CO, May 11, 2009 -- The American Water Works Association (AWWA) announced today the publication of the third edition of AWWA manual M36, Water Audits and Loss Control Programs.
>> Click here for more information or to purchase the manual
A properly executed water audit and a loss control program are the most effective ways for a utility to conserve water, save operating expenses, and increase revenues. Water Audits and Loss Control Programs (M36) provides step-by-step guidance and tools for performing a standardized water audit and implementing a water loss control program for all water utilities.
The new third edition provides an improved auditing method -- the IWA/AWWA Water Audit -- developed by the International Water Association Water Loss Task Force. This method, recommended by AWWA as current best management practice, tells utilities what information they need, how to get that information, and how to enter it on water audit worksheets. The new method also redefines and standardizes water audit and water-loss control language and approach, making it useful to utilities worldwide.
Highlights in Water Audits and Loss Control Programs (M36) include sample forms that allow utilities to plan and control water audit and leak detection work, and keep track of leak repairs. The manual also provides actual case studies of water audit and loss control programs developed and implemented by small, medium, and large North American utilities. And, while the methods and tools offered in this manual are designed to work for water utilities of all sizes, they have been carefully structured with small water systems in mind.
Additionally, AWWA's Water Loss Control Committee provided a free, downloadable, water audit software program. The software allows utilities to conduct a basic water audit quickly and inexpensively (ideal for small systems). When used in conjunction with manual m³6, the software is an excellent supplement to the benefits of a water audit and loss control program.
>> Audit software is available on the WaterWiser website
About the Publication:
Water Audits and Loss Control Programs (M36), Third Edition
Published by American Water Works Association
ISBN: 1-58321-631-6
AWWA members: $75
Retail: $113
Catalog No. 30036
AWWA is the authoritative resource for knowledge, information, and advocacy to improve the quality and supply of water in North America and beyond. AWWA is the largest organization of water professionals in the world. AWWA advances public health, safety and welfare by uniting the efforts of the full spectrum of the entire water community. Through our collective strength we become better stewards of water for the greatest good of the people and the environment.