NORTHFIELD, IL, Feb. 10, 2009 -- According to recent analysis from The McIlvaine Company, the stimulus package could fast track 400 wastewater projects valued at $6 billion which otherwise would have remained on hold due to lack of funding. These additional projects have been added to McIlvaine Municipal Wastewater Facilities and People service. There are 16,000 municipal wastewater plants, of which 4000 purify more than one million gallons per day. At any one time, about 20 percent of these plants have minor modification plans and 10 percent have major expansion or modification plans including additional plants.
The funds will likely be distributed to various community projects through the existing Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund programs in the form of loans and grants and will target those "ready-to-go" projects that can begin construction within 120 days of receipt of funds. The average project will be in excess of $10 million as shown in the following examples:
Approximately $135 million is expected to be approved for construction and upgrades for municipal wastewater and sewage treatment plants in Connecticut.
Vero Beach, FL needs to build a new wastewater plant to replace a 30 year old plant which is nearing the end of its life and is inadequate for present needs. The cost is projected at $100 million. Lack of funds has prevented the project from going forward. The city is now optimistic that the stimulus funding will allow it to begin soon through availability of interest free loans.
Live Oak, FL is requesting $20 million, which will cover the total cost of five projects that have been permitted, engineered and awarded bids. Among the projects are the second phase of the wastewater treatment plant, the reuse line at the treatment plant, and the first phase of the storm water project, the relocation of the city well fields, and the rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer system.
Barre City, VT is looking at the stimulus package as a way to move forward with a $5 million wastewater upgrade.
The county of Hawaii is looking for support on $487 million of projects from the stimulus package. Several wastewater projects are included.
Frederick, MD hopes for $40 million to upgrade its wastewater plant.
Suffolk County, NY -- Wastewater Task Force has announced 19 sewer-related projects, nine of which would be ready for immediate implementation for stimulus funding. The projects, which total $746 million, are projected to create 36,242 jobs and bring $4.7 billion into the local economy.
Grand Valley, CO is requesting $30 million to upgrade its wastewater plant at Fruita.
Barstow and San Bernardino County, CA are hoping to position themselves to take advantage of any funds that may trickle down. The Barstow wastewater plant upgrade would probably be eligible for funding through the Revolving Fund, which would receive about $415 million under the plan.
Washington State anticipates $101 million for wastewater treatment projects due to the plan.
>> More information on Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities and People