FREDERICTON, NB, Canada, Feb. 10, 2009 -- MillerCoors has awarded ADI Systems Inc. a full design-build contract for a new ADI-MBR (membrane bioreactor) facility for its brewery near Elkton, VA. The new ADI-MBR facility is designed to treat effluent from two existing anaerobic reactors to meet new nitrogen and phosphorus discharge limits.
These new, stricter discharge limits are being imposed as part of the five-state effort to reduce nutrient loadings to Chesapeake Bay. The ADI-MBR will replace an existing conventional activated sludge system at the site.
The ADI-MBR process is based on the world's leading MBR technology and is well-proven in similar applications. It offers the optimum blend of high performance, ability to meet the very stringent nitrogen and phosphorus discharge limits, ease of operation, minimal membrane cleaning, and small footprint that MillerCoors required.
The MBR system is a five-stage biological nutrient removal process, with both biological and chemical phosphorus removal. The project also includes the installation of a new sludge dewatering system featuring two belt filter presses.
The new facility will be operational later this year.
With more than thirty years of hands-on anaerobic and aerobic treatment experience and close to 200 installations in 30 countries, ADI has a successful track record for challenging industrial wastewater treatment and energy recovery projects. ADI Systems and its partners around the world provide systems on a turnkey, design-build basis or as a technology package.
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