Scottish businesses pouring money down the drain

Feb. 2, 2009
Scotland's businesses are losing out on collective savings of up to five million pounds every year by not reviewing their water supplier, according to a report launched today by the Water Industry Commission for Scotland (WICS). In a world first, Scotland launched a competitive water and sewerage market for businesses customers in April 2008, and thousands of businesses across the country are already benefitting from the cost savings and environmental benefits of competition...

• Many businesses already benefitting from competition in Scottish water industry; Five million pounds of water bill savings are yet to be claimed

Jan. 30, 2009 -- Scotland's businesses are losing out on collective savings of up to five million pounds every year by not reviewing their water supplier, according to a report launched today by the Water Industry Commission for Scotland (WICS).

In a world first, Scotland launched a competitive water and sewerage market for businesses customers in April 2008, and thousands of businesses across the country are already benefitting from the cost savings and environmental benefits of competition.

However, today's report shows that, nine months on, two thirds of non-domestic customers have yet to review their water and sewerage provider, leaving millions of pounds worth of savings unrealized.

WICS is now urging businesses to make the most of the savings available to them. Alan Sutherland, Chief Executive of WICS, says:

"Competition has been introduced into Scotland's water industry so that non-domestic customers can get the best possible deal on their water bills. We're pleased to see that in only nine months, around one third of Scotland's businesses have already benefitted.

"However, many more businesses are being left out of pocket by failing to explore the new choices open to them. Switching supplier or renegotiating your business' existing package is a straightforward way to reduce water your water bills, and given the economic circumstances, there's never been a better time to explore the options."

Since the introduction of competition, business of all sizes have been able to choose a water and sewerage supplier that best meets their needs

By 'shopping around' and considering a number of different packages, businesses -- from family-run corner stores to conglomerates -- have been able to negotiate better deals and tailored service for their water and sewerage provision.

The market operates in much the same way as in other utility services, where suppliers compete for consumers by offering them the best deal. In Scotland, providers can also reduce prices for their customers by finding ways to cut the costs of wholesaler, Scottish Water.

Non-household customers can currently choose between four water providers, who buy wholesale from Scottish Water; Business Stream, Ondeo Industrial Solutions, Osprey Water Services and Satec. These providers are closely regulated by WICS to ensure that consumers benefit from the scheme. Further licenses to provide water are expected to be awarded in the coming months, opening up even more choice to customers.

The benefits for non-household customers are not just financial -- bespoke environmental advice and solutions are being offered by providers, along with increased commitment to water saving measures and leakage reduction. Environmental benefits have also been an attraction for businesses that have considered switching supplier.

In addition to competitive pricing, the new system has seen other advantages such as easier billing, improved quality and consistency of supply, and fast reaction response.

>> Learn more about water competition or download the report 'Competition in the Scottish Water Industry'

The Water Industry Commission for Scotland is the economic regulator of the Scottish water industry. It has a statutory duty to determine price limits for Scottish Water based on the lowest reasonable cost of achieving ministerial objectives for the water industry. In November 2005, the Commission determined price limits for water and sewerage services for the regulatory control period 2006-10.


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