Hanovia to supply UV disinfection equipment to bottled water producer in China

Feb. 26, 2009
Hanovia has won the contract to supply UV disinfection equipment to Nongfu Spring Co. Ltd., one of China's leading producers of bottled water and beverages. Presently in China virtually all bottled water is disinfected using ozone. However, concerns about ozonation by-products such as bromate mean that more and more producers are now looking for alternatives...

Feb. 25, 2009 -- Hanovia has won the contract to supply UV disinfection equipment to Nongfu Spring Co. Ltd., one of China's leading producers of bottled water and beverages.

Presently in China virtually all bottled water is disinfected using ozone. However, concerns about ozonation by-products such as bromate mean that more and more producers are now looking for alternatives.

The World Health Organization (WHO) lists bromate as a carcinogenic substance and recommends its maximum limit in mineral water be set at 0.01mg/L. In July 2008 the Chinese General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine recommended in a revised draft national standard for drinking water and mineral water that a maximum limit for bromate in bottled water be in line the WHO guidelines.

"Around the world many bottled water companies already use our UV technology to disinfect their products safely, avoiding the problems associated with ozonation and other chemical disinfection methods," comments John Ryan, Hanovia's Managing Director. "We are therefore well placed to provide a leadership role in the reform of China's bottled water industry, of which the Nongfu Spring contract is just the first example."

UV can be used for primary water disinfection or as a back-up for other water purification methods such as carbon filtration, reverse osmosis or pasteurization. As UV has no residual effect, the best position for a treatment system is immediately prior to the point of use. This ensures incoming microbiological contaminants are destroyed and there is a minimal chance of post-treatment contamination.

UV disinfection systems are easy to install, with minimum disruption to the plant. They need very little maintenance, the only requirement being replacement of the UV lamps every 8000 hours, depending on use. This is a simple operation that takes only a few minutes and can be carried out by general maintenance staff.

Based in the United Kingdom, Hanovia is a world leader in UV disinfection technology for swimming pool, processing, aquaculture and marine applications.


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