New company formed to commercialize innovative nitrogen removal process

April 21, 2006
Nutrient Removal Technologies Inc. (NRTI) formed by Lombardo Associates, University of Waterloo to market innovative nitrogen and phosphorus removal technologies, Nitrex and PhosRID...

BOSTON, MA, and WATERLOO, Canada, April 20, 2006 -- Pio Lombardo, president of Lombardo Associates, Inc., Newton, MA, and Professor William Robertson of the University of Waterloo and the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario have joined to form Nutrient Removal Technologies Inc. (NRTI) to exclusively commercialize the patented Nitrex™ passive nitrogen removal system and PhosRID™ passive phosphorus removal system in the United States. University of Waterloo professors Dr. John Cherry and Dr. Will Robertson invented the patent protected Nitrex passive nitrogen removal system, and Dr. Robertson separately invented the patent protected PhosRID passive phosphorus removal system. Professors Cherry and Robertson are internationally acclaimed hydrogeologists who have specialized in subsurface contaminant transport and nutrient removal. The Nitrex passive nitrogen removal system has been shown to eliminate nitrate nitrogen in groundwater and wastewater and produce wastewater effluent with total nitrogen values <3 mg/L -- the limit of technology for sophisticated centralized wastewater treatment systems. This system can be cost-effectively used for individual residential wastewater as well as larger flow applications. It provides an alternative to sewering when nitrogen removal is needed, as is required in many coastal and inland areas of the United States. It's one of the few technologies that can reliably remove nitrogen to these levels for on-site/small flow applications.The PhosRID passive phosphorus removal system has been shown to eliminate phosphorus in wastewater and produce wastewater effluent with total phosphorus values <0.5 mg/L. This system can be cost-effectively used for individual residential wastewater as well as larger flow applications. It provides an alternative to sewering when phosphorus removal is needed, as is required in many areas, especially adjacent to lakes, of the United States.

According to Lombardo, "NRTI will initially focus on making communities and environmental agencies aware of the potential that these technologies have to economically reduce nitrogen pollution in sensitive groundwater resources."

The University of Waterloo (, is one of North America's leading universities internationally known for its groundwater remediation and water treatment research and innovations.

Lombardo Associates (, is an environmental engineering firm focused on using innovative wastewater, stormwater and water supply techniques. Their projects have won engineering excellence awards and Pio Lombardo was recognized by Engineering News Record as a Construction Man of the Year Candidate for an innovative wastewater project in Maryland.

Also see: "University of Waterloo biotechnologist receives major international recognition award"


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