CARLSBAD, CA, Jan. 20, 2010 -- Anue Water Technologies Inc. has released the new EP-1115 System for automating the clean-out of sewer lift stations. The system operates by re-circulating a small fraction of discharging effluent back to the well. In the process, the recycled wastewater breaks up any fat, oil, grease (FOG) and bio-film build-up. Implementation of this system can offer relief for strained operating budgets as it can reduce the need for third-party clean-out services by up to 95%.
In addition to the direct financial benefits of automating lift station clean-out, the EP-1115 System offers secondary benefits. In the process of recycling of wastewater, the EP-1115 increases dissolved oxygen levels up to 800%. Simultaneously, solids are homogenized which increases surface area of these solids and evenly disperses them. These interrelated actions work together to promote pre-treatment in the lift station. Even more, they "normalize" the effluent consistency with exiting effluent quality becoming predictable.
The EP-1115 is installed by either tapping an existing discharge main or using Anue's dedicated grinder pump option. Applications engineers typically work with users to determine the most technically robust and cost effective implementation. Current users report fast return-on-investment through the substantial reduction of labor intensive and energy demanding vacuum truck clean-out. The savings in their operations budgets are re-directed to other critical projects.
For more technical data or for applications engineering contact information call 1-760-476-9090 or email [email protected] ; add "EP-1115 PR" to the subject line for a faster response. Website:
About Anue Water Technologies
Anue Water Technologies designs, manufactures, and markets systems that provide cost savings and optimize functioning of lift stations in sewage collection systems. Web: